Monthly Archives: January 2010


A Buddhist couple was gunned down and then doused with gasoline in the middle of a road by terrorists in Pattani province. A father, his wife, and his two daughters were attacked by militants as they traveled on motorcycle to a a school in Pattani; the father was killed. Two soldiers were also wounded by […]

Gates: Military fails to spot danger within ranks


Iran’s police chief warned opposition supporters not to use cell phones and e-mail messages to organize protest rallies against the government. Tehran police arrested a dissident cleric and warned against additional protests. The government will try sixteen people in connection with the December protests.

US to Pakistan: Stop complaining about the Predator strikes you support

Senator Carl Levin is the first senior US figure to publicly rebuke the Pakistani government for its double game of criticizing the US air campaign against the Taliban and al Qaeda while secretly providing support and approval. From The Times of India: In a public rebuke to the Pakistani leadership on Thursday, a leading US […]


A two-car convoy of Israeli diplomats was targeted in a roadside bomb attack near the town of Na’ur in Jordan; no Israelis were killed or wounded. Islamist leaders are pressing the government to end cooperation with the US against al Qaeda in Afghanistan.


More than 150 Yemeni clerics said the people were obligated to wage jihad if outside forces interfere with internal affairs. Yemen is seeking $4 billion in foreign aid yearly to deal with security and economic problems. The US believes there is a “credible threat” of an attack from al Qaeda in Yemen.


A US strike targeted Movement of the Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud; 12 Taliban and foreign fighters were reported killed. Taliban spokesman Tariq Azam denied Hakeemullah was killed in the airstrike. The World Food Programme closed its offices in Lower Dir due to security concerns.

US military ‘working feverishly™ to help Haiti, commander says


Security forces detained 15 al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and in central and in northern Iraq, five insurgents in Fallujah, two Naqshabandiya group members in Makhmour, and a Promised Day Brigade fighter and a Hezbollah Brigades member in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a number of people in Karbala and a civilian in Fallujah.


Google row: China warns internet companies to help ‘guide’ opinion


A suicide bomber killed 20 civilians in an attack at a a bazaar in in Uruzgan province. Four members of a bomb cell died in a premature detonation in Kandahar. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Haqqani network facilitator and an associate in Khost.


Dueling protests erupted at the funeral of the Iranian nuclear scientist who was killed in a bombing in Tehran. Parliament speaker Ali Larijani accused President Obama of state terrorism.