Monthly Archives: January 2010


Hakeemullah Mehsud released a tape confirming that he survived the Jan. 14 airstrike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed five Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and detained a Taliban commander and five fighters at a hospital in Rawalpindi. The Taliban blew up a clinic in Landi Kotal.


Afghanistan – British general rules out win against insurgency by military means alone


France – Petrol attack on actress in Muslim-themed play


Security increased at Christian churches as Allah row divides Malaysia


Security forces detained Ali al Azzawi, a high-level military commander in the Islamic State of Iraq. Security forces also detained 11 members of Ansar al Sunnah in Hit and a Naqshabandiya fighter in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed two policemen in Baghdad.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 11 Taliban in an operation in Nad Ali in Helmand province and four Haqqani Network fighters in an airstrike in Paktika. The Taliban killed two British soldiers and an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan and wounded a district chief in Khost. Parliament rejected 10 of President Karzai’s 17 cabinet minister […]


A suicide bomber wounded two soldiers in an attack on a military vehicle near the town of Rawalakot in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The suicide attack in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is the fifth since last summer.


Security forces detained three Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives near the Saudi border. The operatives were carrying weapons, explosives, and terrorist literature. The Houthi rebels claimed to have shot down a Saudi Apache attack helicopter.


Unidentified Islamists have killed the Algerian military commander of Bajaia district in Bejaia province and an army colonel at Allaghane, 250km east of Algiers. Two Islamists were killed the night before when authorities ambushed their vehicle at Boudjelil. Two Islamists escaped the ambush.

United States

A federal grand jury indicted Tahawwur Rana and David Headley for their roles in plots to conduct attacks in Denmark and and India. The grand jury also indicted al Qaeda military commander Ilyas Kashmiri and former Pakistani Army Major Abdur Rehman Hashim Syed for their involvement in the same Denmark plot.


The US killed eight Taliban and three al Qaeda operatives in two strikes in North Waziristan. A wanted Palestinian terrorist is thought to have been killed in the Jan. 9 strike in North Waziristan. Seven Taliban fighters were killed in Kohat; a tribal leader was killed in Mohmand. The Taliban attacked a security convoy in […]

US strikes kill 11 in North Waziristan

Eight Taliban and three “foreigners” were reported killed in the most recent strikes in North Waziristan. The US has carried out nine strikes in Pakistan over the past 16 days.


Qasim al Raymi, the military leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was among six terrorists reported killed in an airstrike in the Al Ajasher region. Also thought killed are the al Qaeda leader of Marib province and an Egyptian suicide bomb facilitator.


Twelve Iraqis were killed and more than 20 were wounded in a series of bombings in Najaf on Jan. 14. Iraqi security forces detained 14 wanted terrorists during raids in Basrah.


The Taliban killed a woman and four children in an IED attack in Kandahar and wounded four civilians in a rocket attack in Kabul. Coalition troops accidentally killed two troops in an escalation of force incident after an IED attack in Kandahar and wounded five civilians during a protest outside a combat outpost in Helmand.