Monthly Archives: January 2010


Iran has appointed a Qods Force commander as Ambassador to Iraq. Insurgents killed five civilian aid worked in Baghdad. Security forces killed an insurgent near Kirkuk and detained six wanted men in Basrah.


The Taliban conducted a terror assault outside the presidential palace in Kabul. Seven Taliban fighters, three soldiers, and two civilians were killed during five hours of fighting. NATO aircraft dropped a bomb on a Taliban position in Helmand; no casualties were reported.

Said al Shihri captured?

Said Ali al Shihri, former Guantánamo detainee and deputy leader of al Qaeda in Yemen. Photo from The SITE Institute. The Yemen Observer is reporting that Said al Shihri, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s second in command, was captured after his car overturned at a police checkpoint in Shabwa province, an al Qaeda haven: […]


Iran vowed revenge on Israel and the US for a physicist’s death. The chief prosecutor called for the death penalty for protesters on trial. Iranian state television said it would give air time to the opposition.


Security forces reportedly captured Said al Shihri, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s second in command, after his car turned over at a checkpoint in Shabwa. Al Qaeda denied that Qasim al Raymi and five other leaders were killed in last week’s airstrike. Yemen stepped up security at energy facilities in Shabwa.


The government said Sheikh Abdullah al Faisal, the radical Islamist cleric, will be deported to Jamaica in two days. Faisal’s arrest sparked violent protest in Nairobi; police killed one protester and wounded several others.


A US strike n North Waziristan killed 15 Taliban and five Uzbek fighters; the strike targeted the compound of Usman Jan, the new leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Swat and South Waziristan, and detained a pro-Taliban tribal leader and three of his sons in Kohat. The […]


Two civilians were killed during fighting in Mogadishu; an aid worker was also executed. Government troops and African Union troops reportedly clashed at Mogadishu Airport. Shabaab had a man accused of rape stoned to death. Shabaab praised the Islamist protests in Kenya but denied any involvement.


Security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah, three al Qaeda operatives in Mosul, two suicide bombers in Anbar, and a Promised Day Brigade cell leader and three cell members in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two civilians in Mosul and another in Baghdad. A local official in Maysan said the Iranians still control Well Number 4 […]


China refused to impose further sanctions on Iran. A man who planted a bomb near the office of the governor of Khorasan Razavi province died after detonating the bomb when security officials arrived. Tehran’s former chief prosecutor denied involvement in the torture and death of three protestors.


The Borno State Police arrested 18 suspected Boko Haram members in the city of Maiduguri. Through intelligence sources, the police caught wind of the suspected Boko Haram members entering the state. The suspects were taken before a judge who remanded their cases after they plead not guilty.


The Taliban killed a district governor and five Afghans in an attack on a convoy in Herat, and a US soldier during a clash in eastern Afghanistan. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban fighter and detained several more during raids in Helmand, Wardak, Kunduz, Zabul, and Ghazni provinces.


The government confirmed that Abu Hurayrah Qasim al Raymi, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s military commander, was killed in the Jan. 15 airstrike. Five other al Qaeda operatives, including an Egyptian bomb-maker and the commander in Marib province, were also killed.