Yearly Archives: 2009


China: Uighur leader says 10,000 missing after riots


Rebiya Kadeer, the exiled Uighur activist, said that more than 10,000 Uighurs are missing after riots in Xinjiang’s capital of Urumqi that resulted in 197 killed. The government published a list of 15 wanted Uighurs for their involvement in fomenting the riots.


Mohammad Yusufi, Boko Haram™s leader, and a number of his followers have fled their stronghold in Maiduguri as the Nigerian military seeks to “contain them once and for all.” The Nigerian military overran Yusufi™s compound and home along with the mosque the group has been using as a hideout. Upwards of 300 people, including women […]


Unreliable Afghan forces make life difficult, dangerous for US soldiers


The People’s Mujahideen claimed the police have killed seven members during clashes at Camp Ashraf; the Diyala police department denied the report. One policeman and one civilian were killed in bombings in Mosul and Anbar. The US believes al Qaeda in Iraq is regrouping in eastern Diyala province near the border with Iran, and said […]

Philippine government resumes peace talks with MILF


The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar, attacked a MEDIVAC flight in southern Afghanistan, and bombed President Karzai’s campaign office in Herat and candidate Abdullah Abdullah’s office in Paktika. Afghan and ISAF forces detained two Haqqani Network fighters in Khost province.


The ISI’s Abu Omar al-Baghdadi responds to US urban withdrawal in Iraq


An Islamist blog that claims to represent “Al Qaeda in Indonesia” said the group, led by Noordin Mohammed Top, is responsible for the bombings at two five-star hotels in Jakarta this month. The statement said the attack was a “martyrdom operation for jihad” to obtain “retribution for the deeds of America and its agents against […]


Prosecute Lashkar-e-Taiba’s Hafiz Saeed : Indian home minister to Pakistan


Security forces reportedly killed Nemat Azizov during a shootout in the mountains near the administrative center of Tavil-Dara after he refused to surrender. Azizov, who is also known as Sheikh Nemat, commanded Islamist forces during the civil war between 1992-97. He was accused of being a drug smuggler and of assassinating the chief of the […]


The other Iraq war: In Kurdish Iraq, hostilities simmering with Iran, Turkey


Gates says Iraq drawdown may accelerate moderately


Iraqi raid leaves Iranian opposition group’s future unclear


US defense secretary in Iraqi Kurdistan to defuse tensions


Iran & Iraq: Two British hostages in Iraq ‘likely to be dead’


Prominent Iranian reformer set to be freed


Police have freed over 180 women and children being held by Doko Haram in Maiduguri. Heavy fighting continues in Maiduguri as security forces seek to dislodge the Islamists from their hideouts, including sect leader Mohammad Yusufi™s home and compound headquarters. Papers lifted from the bodies of killed Islamists indicate that many may originate from Chad […]


Authorities are blaming ETA, the Basque separatists in Burgos, northern Spain, for a car bomb explosion that tore through a 14-story paramilitary Civil Guard barracks, injuring 46 people. A car bomb explosion in Bilbao that killed a police officer in June was also blamed on the separatists.


Nine insurgents were killed by security forces in the Russian Federation Republic of Dagestan today. Zaal Kasrelishvili, the leader of the mostly inactive Confederation of the Peoples of the Caucasus, has stated that roughly forty militants have become active again in Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge. Militants used the gorge as a rear base and for arms […]