Yearly Archives: 2009


Nigerian police arrested 36 suspected members of Boko Haram in Zuba. Two members were Niger nationals. Almost 600 people have been killed in the violence engulfing more than 4 states in northern Nigeria.


Iranian state television confirmed that security forces detained three Americans who crossed the border from Iraq. The Americans were hiking in northern Iraq when they crossed the border. The US State Department has not confirmed the detentions.


Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and wounded two civilians in a bombing outside a mosque in Baghdad. Security forces detained eight wanted terrorists in Diyala. More than 21,000 security personnel have been deployed to protect a religious pilgrimage in Karbala.


Three US soldiers and one French soldier were killed in attacks in southern and central Afghanistan. An Afghan security officer and two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Baghlan. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Nimroz province.


India said it has turned over enough evidence to Pakistan to allow it to proceed with the prosecution of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and leader Hafiz Saeed for his involvement in the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. “The evidence provided in three dossiers is, in our view, sufficient to investigate role of Hafiz Saeed,” Indian Home […]


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Swat; five Taliban fighters and commanders surrendered. Four civilians were killed when the military shelled their home in Khyber. Reports indicate upwards of 1,500 Taliban fighters are in Shangla.


Iranian president denies rift with supreme leader


Iran’s Ahmadinejad warns rivals their plans will fail


Border security forces reportedly surrounded and arrested three Americans who accidentally crossed the border from Iraq into Iran while hiking near the town of Ahmed Awaa near Halabja. US troops are said to have deployed to the border to search for the Americans.


Bin Laden allies reject reports of son™s death in Pakistan


Pakistan: Waziristan operation ‘delayed for strategic reasons’


Shabaab ordered women in Afgoi to wear burkas and banned khat. The pro-government Ahlu Sunna Waljama said they are organizing forces in all 18 of Somalia’s provinces. Eight Ugandan soldiers are recovering from what appears to be a poisoning incident in Mogadishu.


Three soldiers and an al Qaeda leader were killed after al Qaeda fighters ambushed an Army convoy heading to Ma’arib. Two soldiers were killed during the ambush, and one soldier and wanted al Qaeda leader A’ed Saleh al-Shabwani were killed after security forces raided a hideout.


US adviser™s blunt memo on Iraq – Time ‘to go home™

Nigerian Taliban leader killed in custody

Mohammad Yusuf, the leader of Boko Haram, was killed after being detained by Nigerian police, who claimed he had been attempting to escape. Yusuf had led the group responsible for the Islamist uprising in Northern Nigeria.


Twenty-nine Iraqis were killed and 61 more were wounded in bombings outside mosques in Baghdad. Two more Iraqis were killed in a bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Basrah and four al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in Wasit.


Four Afghan soldiers were killed after the Taliban ambushed a convoy in Farah province. Two ISAF soldiers were killed during Taliban attacks in southern Afghanistan. The Taliban claimed to have captured two policemen in Paktika. The UN said civilian deaths in Afghanistan have increased by 24 percent.


Two Taliban fighters and one security official were killed after the Taliban attacked a checkpoint in North Waziristan. Lashkar-e-Islami executed four men accused of kidnapping in Khyber. Police are questioning Sufi Mohammed and his two sons in Peshawar. Security forces detained 22 Taliban fighters in Swat and Bajaur and five more in Sargodha.

Special forces getting high-tech soldier suits for Iraq mission


Mohammad Yusuf, the leader of Boko Haram, has been killed by government forces in Maiduguri, northern Nigeria. Some reports say he was killed trying to escape from police custody after being detained, but others say he died trying to escape from a shootout with Nigerian police forces.


President Obama and President Arroyo discussed US-Philippine relations at the White House, including their mutual commitment to the fight against terrorism in the southern Philippines. In Basilan province, a civilian security volunteer was killed in an ambush by Moro Islamic Liberation Front gunmen only two kilometers outside a Philippine Marine outpost.


Four Iraqis were killed in a suicide car bombing in Al Qaim and four more were killed in a bombing at a political headquarters in Baqubah. Two Iraqi policemen were killed during clashes with the People’s Mujahideen at Camp Ashraf. Security forces detained a Moroccan terrorist as he planted an IED north of Mosul.


Police broke up a group of 300 Iranians mourning the death of Neda Agha-Soltan at her burial site. Defeated presidential candidate Mirhossein Mousavi was forced to leave the memorial. Seventy-one US senators have co-sponsored a bill that calls for sanctions that would target Iran’s refined petroleum imports because Iran continues to pursue its nuclear program.


Four Afghan private security guards were killed in an IED attack in the Nahar Saraj district in Helmand province. Six civilians were reported killed during an airstrike that targeted Taliban fighters in Zabul province. The DEA is greatly increasing the number of agents in Afghanistan. The Taliban vowed to disrupt the upcoming presidential election.

Al Qaeda

Rashad Saied, a close friend of Osama bin Laden, denied that Osama’s son Sa’ad was killed in a US airstrike earlier this year. “If Saad had been killed, al-Qaeda would have announced that,” he said. “They announced the death of many key figures in the organization before. It is considered a source of pride for […]


At least 14 Algerian soldiers were killed and 20 injured by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members when their convoy was ambushed in Tipaza province, in northwestern Algeria. Attacks in west Algeria are rare. The attack may have been retaliation for the recent killing of 16 AQIM fighters in Algeria’s anti-terror campaign.