Yearly Archives: 2009


The government filed treason and other charges against Sufi Mohammed and seven associates. The Taliban killed two policemen in Peshawar and bombed CD shops in Balakot. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Swat and detained 27 more, and destroyed a Taliban madrassa in Lakki Marwat.


Prominent imams and Colonel Ahanotu, who led military operations that defeated Boko Haram, accused Nigerian authorities of ignoring their pleas to take action against the radical Islamist group long before the sect™s violent uprising. “I complained a lot of times, I was just waiting for orders,” Ahanotu charged. The sect’s uprising is responsible for more […]


GIs, out of Iraq cities, have time on their hands


A five-year-old boy who was kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf on July 27 in Basilan province was rescued by Marines and reunited with his parents. Formal peace talks between the government and MILF will commence on August 18 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. President Arroyo pledged in her State of the Union Address last week to sign […]


A Buddhist security guard who had just left his night shift at a rubber factory in Pattani province was murdered by two suspected Muslim gunmen who opened fire from a motorcycle. Terrorist attacks in southern Thailand are increasing, according to analysts; the total dead since the insurgency began five years ago has topped 3,500.


Iraq: Remains identified as Navy Capt. Michael Scott Speicher


Nigerian opposition slams anti-Boko Haram offensive


Khatami condemns Iran’s show trial of reformists


Iraq’s Tareq Aziz gets 7 years jail in Kurds case


Five Iraqis were killed and 20 more were wounded in a carbombing in Haditha. One Iraqi was killed in an IED attack outside a mosque in Baghdad. Security forces detained 23 wanted men in Kirkuk, 19 in Babil, and six more in Khanaqin.


Nigerian officials ignored warnings about violent sect


Three US soldiers were killed in an IED attack and ambush in eastern Afghanistan, and two Canadian soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Kandahar province; nine Coalition troops have been killed in the first two days of August. In Baghlan province, 20 Taliban fighters have laid down their arms.

Pakistan charges Sufi Mohammed with treason

The leader of the pro-Taliban TNSM and architect of the most recent peace agreement in Swat is being charged, along with seven others, with treason, inciting rebellion, terrorism, waging war, and conspiracy against Pakistan.


Eighteen suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters were killed in military operations in eastern Algeria in response to an AQIM attack that wounded 4 security officers. Authorities destroyed stockpiles of weapons that were discovered during the operations. More than 6,000 soldiers have been deployed in anti-AQIM operations in the region.


Iraqi Ba’ath Leader Calls On Insurgents To Join Politics


Security pact gives Iraqi security forces a new swagger


Seven Christians were burned alive during a riot in Gojra that broke out after a rumor that a Koran was desecrated. Four policemen were killed in an IED attack in Hangu. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters and four civilians in Dir, two in Bannu and two more in Arakzai, captured 25 suspected fighters in […]


Iran begins trial of postelection protesters


Iraqi death toll drops after US handover