Yearly Archives: 2009


Insurgents killed five policemen in Baghdad and one more in Mosul, and a woman in Ramadi. Security forces detained 24 wanted men in Basrah, 16 in Diyala, 13 more near Kirkuk, and three drug dealers in Tal Afar. Talks between the central government and the Kurds have progressed, reportedly allowing for two Kurdish regional divisions […]


Eight Islamists were killed in the highland region of Batna in northeast Algeria during military sweeps. Last week, fourteen Islamists were killed in the same region by the Algerian military; the operation resulted in the discovery and destruction of a large stockpile of weapons.


Basiji militiamen cracked down on street protests as President Ahmedinejad was sworn in to his second term. An aide to presidential candidate Mousavi was arrested. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said it was not the Obama administration’s place to “pass judgment on” the legitimacy of the Ahmedinejad regime. Iran’s foreign ministry could neither confirm nor […]


A top security official revealed that the Nigerian State Security Service (SSS) sent the President, prominent government officials, state governors, and pertaining security agencies 17 reports between July 14 and 17 warning that Boko Haram was poised to attack. The reports went unheeded, and Boko Haram™s uprising led to violence that claimed over 700 lives.


Indian security forces killed seven terrorists during multiple clashes in Kashmir and two more in Jammu. A Hizbul Mujahideen commander was reported killed during the fighting in Jammu. Four more insurgents and two soldiers were killed during fighting on Aug. 3.


The Taliban killed two tribal leaders and four construction workers in an IED attack in Nangarhar province. The US military said four armed Taliban fighters were killed while carrying IED materials; local Afghans claimed the four men were civilians. Afghan and Coalition forces launched a new operation in Baghlan.


Bomb goes off in south Yemen; another defused


Police charged three additional men for being members of a Somali Shabaab cell based in Melbourne. The cell was planning to conduct a military assault on an Army base in Sydney. The government is considering banning Shabaab.


The Taliban killed four security personnel in North Waziristan; the military killed five civilians in artillery attacks. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters and detained 17 more in Swat; one soldier was also killed. Three people were killed after a mob accused a factory owner in Sheikhupura of desecrating a Koran. The interior ministry denied […]

United States

The federal government played recordings of North Carolina jihadist cell leader Daniel Boyd pledging his love for jihad and disgust at the US military’s role overseas. “I love jihad. I love to stand there and fight for the sake of Allah,” Boyd said. “Muslims must be protected at all costs…. [The military is] over there […]


The Orphans Project Lebanon, a German-based charity, is a front for Hezbollah to fund the training of suicide bombers. The charity is affiliated with the Lebanese Al-Shahid Association, which runs schools and day cares where “more than 50 percent of the children declared that their sole aim was to become a shahid, or martyr,” according […]


The spokesman for President Obama has said that President Ahmedinejad is the legitimately elected leader of Iran. “He’s the elected leader,” Press Secretary Gibbs said at a briefing at the White House. The three Americans who wandered into Iran from northern Iraq are suspected of being “spies” by the Iranian government.


Kurdish MP: Baghdad-Erbil talks ‘successful™


LeT, Jaish helping Taliban™s mission destabilization: Pakistan


Alleged killer of Iraqi journalist ‘confesses’


Iran says 3 Americans arrested for illegal entry


Shiite group agrees to renounce violence in Iraq


Top US general in Iraq disputes early pullout memo


Iraqi troops detained the deputy leader of Ansar al Islam along with the group’s chief financier and eight other operatives during a raid in Mosul. Police killed an insurgent in Mosul. Security forces detained 21 insurgents in Ramadi, six al Qaeda operatives in Jalawlaa, and an al Qaeda commander in Khanaqin.


Afghan troops killed 15 Taliban fighters and detained eight more in Helmand. Police killed a Taliban fighter in Baghlan. A Taliban suicide bomber killed four Afghans in Zabul. The governor of Wardak escaped an assassination attempt. The Taliban fired rockets into Kabul; no casualties were reported.


US seeks to protect Iran terror group [MEK]