Yearly Archives: 2009


International Security Assistance Forces investigates civilian casualty reports in Uruzgan province


Noordin Mohammed Top, Southeast Asia’s most wanted terrorist, blew himself up after police surrounded and assaulted a farm house in central Java. Top was a senior Jemaah Islamiyah operative and the leader of the Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad, which is linked to Jemaah Islamiyah and al Qaeda.


Reports from Pakistan indicate Baitullah Mehsud was killed during the Aug. 5 airstrike in South Waziristan. Waliur Rehman Mehsud and Hakeemullah Mehsud are said to be in the running to take over for Baitullah. The Taliban killed 18 rivals in the Abdullah Mehsud group in Tank. Clashes between the Lashkar-e-Islam and the Ansarul Islam resulted […]


Bodies pile up in Swat Valley as tribesmen turn tables on Taliban tormentors

Al Qaeda

Drone attacks in tribal Pakistan force al-Qaeda into urban areas


A suicide bomber killed 38 Iraqis and wounded 90 more during an attack outside a Shia mosque in Mosul. Insurgents killed six Shia pilgrims outside a mosque in Baghdad, three policemen in separate attacks in Mosul, and an Awakening fighter in Diyala. Security forces detained four al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, and also two terrorists […]


Afghan and US troops killed 20 Haqqani Network fighters during a raid in the Sabari district in Khost. A US air weapons team killed two Taliban fighters as they planted an IED in Helmand. The Taliban killed three British soldiers in an IED attack in Helmand province on Aug. 6 and one policeman during an […]


Killing of Pakistan Taliban chief could touch off power struggle


The father-in-law of Mohammad Yusuf, the slain former leader of Boko Haram, is feared dead by his family after he voluntarily surrendered to Nigerian police after receiving word that he was wanted. Yusuf™s father-in-law, a wealthy Nigerian, helped fund the construction of Boko Haram™s mosque and headquarters compound.


Why Iran’s Revolutionary Guards mercilessly crack down


Journalists’ association shut down in Tehran