Yearly Archives: 2009


Bombs in Baghdad and northern Iraq kill 33


Pakistani claims of Taliban militant™s death are contested


Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu and 10 more were killed in mortar attacks on Aug. 8. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam withdrew forces from bases in Mogadishu. The US will double the amount of arms and munitions sent to the transitional government.


US official says Iran confirms holding 3 Americans


Yadollah Javani, the chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ political bureau, has called for a trial of political leaders opposed to Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s presidency. Mohammad Khatami, Mir Hossein Mousavi, and Mehdi Karroubi top Javani’s list. “If they are the main agents, which is the case, judiciary and security officials should go after them, arrest […]


The mutilated bodies of 15 suspected Taliban fighters have been found in the town of Mingora in Swat. Clashes between a peace committee and insurgents in Mohmand resulted in 14 dead. The Taliban killed two soldiers in North Waziristan and wounded six people in a bombing at a school in Charsadda. Security forces detained 12 […]


Security forces detained seven foreign Arab terrorists in Mosul, three Naqshabandiya group members in Diyala, an intelligence chief for a terrorist group in Baghdad, and an insurgent in Hawijah. Insurgents wounded seven policemen in bombings in Mosul and Diyala.


Chinese officials received a threat that a bomb was placed on a plane scheduled to land in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province. Initial reports indicated the plane was hijacked. The plane was turned around and has landed in Kabul. The leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party recently threatened to attack Chinese interests worldwide.


Afghan security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters and captured 11 more in Wardak, killed two Taliban fighters during clashes in Herat, and captured four more in Ghazni. The Taliban killed three Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Zabul and one British soldier in an IEd attack in Helmand, and launched a radio station in […]

The Taliban

Waliur Rehman Mehsud spoke to the media and denied he and Hakeemullah Mehsud clashed, and said no shura meeting to designate a successor to Baitullah Mehsud took place. “There are no differences,” Waliur said. “There was no fighting. We both are alive, and there was no special shura meeting.”


A suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt detonated outside the French embassy in the capital of Nouakchott. The bomber was killed and two security guards were lightly wounded during the attack. No group has claimed responsibility, but al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is the likely culprit.


Indonesian investigators have doubts that Noordin Mohammed Top was killed during a shootout with Detachment 88 in central Java. “He’s not yet dead, in fact DNA tests prove that the body that was recovered was not of Noordin Mohammed Top,” counterterrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna told Al Jazeera.

The Taliban

Three senior Pakistani Taliban leaders denied that Baitullah Mehsud was killed in the Aug. 5 airstrike in South Waziristan. The leaders said the Taliban shura would release a video confirming he is alive. A Taliban commander denied reports that Hakeemullah Mehsud and Waliur Rahman were killed in a clash at a shura meeting.


Iraq asks Iran about 3 detained Americans


Accused spies offer apologies at Iran trial


Security forces detained five terrorists in Wasit and four insurgents in Ramadi. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and wounded another in Kirkuk. The United Nations Security Council extended the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) until August 2010.


US Apache gunship helicopters wounded six Afghan policemen while targeting Taliban fighters in Ghazni province. ISAF is investigating claims that two civilians were killed in a Coalition mortar attack in Uruzgan province. Tribesmen in Laghman province detained five Taliban fighters.