Yearly Archives: 2009


Ingushetian Construction Minister Ruslan Amirkhanov was shot dead by insurgents as he was working in his office. Amirkhanov is the latest in a series of senior politicians targeted by the Caucasus Emirate. Two policemen were killed in a shooting in the Chechen capital of Grozny.


Clashes between Baitullah Mehsud’s forces and the Abdullah Mehsud Group in Tank reportedly led to more than 70 Taliban fighters killed. Two children were killed in an IED blast in Bajaur. Security forces detained 46 suspected Taliban fighters in Swat.


In an early morning raid by the military on an Abu Sayyaf jungle encampment, 10 fighters were killed and an arsenal of improvised explosive devices was discovered and detonated. Ten other Abu Sayyaf gunmen were killed in a separate raid in Basilan province. Over 500 Army soldiers, marines, and police are engaged in an offensive […]


US Marines and Afghan troops launched an operation to take the town of Dahaneh in the Now Zad district in Helmand province from the Taliban; seven Taliban fighters have been killed. Afghan security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Farah and a suicide bomber in Khost. Afghan and ISAF forces detained four Taliban fighters in […]


A senior police officer was gunned down south of Mosul. One policeman was killed and six were wounded in an IED attack in Kirkuk. A suicide bomber wounded five Iraqis in Ramadi. Security forces detained an insurgent transporting a car bomb north of Hillah and detonated a truck bomb in Mosul.


Shiites in Iraq show restraint as Sunnis keep attacking


Iran says Paris ignored offer to teacher on trial


Indonesian police said DNA tests prove that Noordin Mohammed Top, Southeast Asia’s most wanted terrorist, was not killed during the July 7 shootout at a farmhouse in Java. The person killed was a man named Ibrohim, who worked at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton and aided in the July suicide attacks at the hotels.


The Justice Ministry admitted more than 4,000 people were detained during post-election protests; more than 3,700 have been freed, including a French embassy worker. The opposition claims 69 people were killed by security forces during protests. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon congratulated President Ahmadinejad for his re-election victory.


A US airstrike in South Waziristan killed 14 Taliban fighters. Twenty-one fighters were killed in a Taliban turf war in Arakzai. Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters in Khyber. The Taliban killed three people in a rocket attack in Peshawar and a tribal elder in Mohmand, and torched nine schools in Buner and five more […]


Afghanistan – Anti-corruption ‘Mr Bean™ candidate Ramazan Bashardost eyes presidency


Pakistani Taliban chief alive according to group’s spokesman


Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis and wounded 18 more in three bombings in Baghdad, and wounded three policemen in an IED attack in Fallujah. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and captured two Iranian “infiltrators” in Khanaqin in Diyala province.


Mosul attacks reflect al-Qaida™s plan, commander says


Afghanistan’s presidential election campaign an exercise in peril