Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan forces killed 30 Taliban fighter in Khost. ISAF and Afghan security forces killed four Taliban fighters as they retook a town from the Taliban in Herat province and retook control of the Naw Zad district in Helmand. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate IED attacks, and killed four civilian outside of Kabul. […]


A sniper killed a policeman in Jalawlaa. Insurgents wounded two policemen in Fallujah and a soldier in Kirkuk. Security forces detained 16 wanted men in Basrah, four terrorists in Baghdad and two more in Diyala, two insurgents in Babil, and a cell leader in Ramadi.


Iraq: Accord Front Collapses, Sunni Tribes Seek Shiite Allies


Three Abu Sayyaf gunmen fired at two Air Force helicopters in Basilan province, damaging a helicopter carrying three journalists. The military is shipping more ammunition and other supplies to Mindanao to bolster the military as it continues to press for the destruction of Abu Sayyaf.


Iran puts more post-vote detainees on trial: agency


More than 30 people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee’a in central Somalia. Fifty-five Hizbul Islam fighters defected to the government in Hiran. Djibouti will deploy troops in Somalia.


A suicide bomber killed five civilians in Swat. The Taliban killed one soldier during an ambush on a military convoy in North Waziristan and wounded 11 more in a rocket attack on a base, and destroyed three NATO tankers at a terminal in Pishin in Baluchistan. The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Swat.


An explosion followed by gunfire directed at a police post at a crowded beach in Tigzirt near Tizi Ouzou in northeast Algeria has left one police officer dead and two more wounded. The explosion partially destroyed the police post. Muslim fundamentalists linked to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are suspected of staging the attack.

Noordin Top’s escape will likely boost terrorist morale


Philippine President Arroyo orders military to “annihilate” Abu Sayyaf


A suicide bomber detonated a Land Cruiser outside of the ISAF headquarters in Kabul, killing seven civilians and wounding 91 more. The Taliban said the target was the US embassy. US forces killed 13 Haqqani Network fighters in an airstrike in Khost. Four Taliban fighters, a policman, and a civilian were killed during clashes in […]

Palestinian Territories

The emir and the military commander of the Jund Ansar Allah, an al Qaeda linked group in Gaza, were among 13 killed after Hamas attacked the group’s mosque and compounds in Rafah. More than 40 members of the group have been arrested. The Jund Ansar Allah’s leader declared an Islamic emirate in Gaza and swore […]


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to strike back at Israel if it attacked Lebanon. “It is our right to make (Israel) understand that if it bombs Beirut or the southern suburbs, we will strike Tel Aviv,” Nasrallah said. “Today we are capable of striking any city or village” in Israel.


Security forces detained 37 terrorists in Maysan, 17 wanted men in Basrah, four members of a mortar team in Diwaniyah, an al Qaeda cleric in Baqubah, and a insurgent cleric in Tal Afar. The Baghddad Operational Command said the concrete blast walls will be removed as scheduled.


Inside the Taliban: ‘The more troops they send, the more targets we have’

Hamas and al Qaeda-linked group clash in Gaza

Abdul-Latif-Moussa-thumb.jpgHamas attacked the Jund Ansar Allah after the group’s leader declared an Islamic emirate in Rafah. Thirteen were reported killed, including the leader of Hamas’ military wing and Jund Ansar Allah’s leader and military commander.


Three suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters were killed after their vehicles were intercepted by Algerian soldiers who were acting on a tip. The fighters were killed in the Bordj Bou Arreridj region, which lies 200 kilometers southeast of Algiers and is often exploited as a transit zone by AQIM.


16 rebels, five soldiers killed in Yemen clashes


Four police officers and two insurgents were killed during a gunbattle in Kerla-Yurt, northwest of Grozny in Chechnya. On Aug. 13, Islamists killed seven prostitutes and four policemen in neighboring Dagestan.