Yearly Archives: 2009

Peace Corps pulls volunteers from Mauritania


Shiite rebel leader among dozens killed in renewed Yemen clashes


Afghan warlord General Dostum returns to boost Karzai™s campaign


Iranian police clash with protesters over banned newspaper


Pakistan – Lashkars on outskirts of Peshawar fighting fire with fire


US commander in Iraq wants troops in disputed land


Pakistani Taliban says bombs a ‘gift™ for US envoy


The Taliban took credit for a suicide attack that killed seven people in Charsadda. The military killed 13 Taliban fighters in Swat and two more in Bajaur, and detained a senior Taliban suicide bomber recruiter in Islamabad. The leader of the Millat-e-Islamia was killed in Khairpur; the killing sparked riots in Karachi and Sindh.


Credible info on fresh attacks from Pak soil: Indian PM


Holbrooke: If Pakistan Taliban leader were alive, he’d be on TV


Al Qaeda and Taliban ally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said his followers are “ready to help with the United States and … other coalition forces if foreign troops announce the time frame for the pulling out their troops from Afghanistan.” A US soldier was killed during a Taliban ambush in eastern Afghanistan; another was killed in an […]


Insurgents killed two policemen in Mosul and three Awakening fighters in Babil, and wounded six policemen in Kirkuk. Security forces detained 17 wanted men in Basrah, two insurgents in Makhmour, and an al Qaeda leader in Baqubah.


A suicide truck bomb killed 18 people and injured more than 70 in Nazran, the largest city in Ingushetia. The bomb was detonated as officers were gathering for morning check-in at a police base. This is the fifth suicide bombing since Doku Umarov revived the Riyad Us Saliheen martyr brigade in April and vowed to […]


A group of anonymous clerics labeled Ayatollah Khamenei a “dictator” and called for his removal. Sadegh Larijani was appointed new chief of the judiciary. The government released a female French lecturer on bail who was accused of espionage. Bahrain’s Minister of Oil and Gas urged further expansion of business ties between Tehran and Manama.


Seventeen of Mullah Nazir’s fighters were killed in an ambush in South Waziristan; Turkistan Bhittani claimed Nazir was among those killed. The military killed 15 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and six more in Swat. Twenty-two Taliban fighters surrendered in Dir and 14 TNSM fighters and a senior leader surrendered in Buner.


The government announced it will launch a 4,000-strong military anti-terror campaign in the Sahara desert to root out Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The eastern Sahara in Mauritania has become a hotbed for AQIM operations over the last year. The announcement comes days before regional leaders meet to discuss cooperation in fighting crime and […]


The military killed three suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members in a shootout. The military ambush occurred between Skikda and Jijel, which lies 400 km east of Algiers. The ambush was an area that has become a transit zone and refuge for many AQIM fighters.


Police detained hundreds of members of the Darul Islam sect during a raid on a compound in the town of Mokwa in northeastern Nigeria. More than 3,000 members of the sect established their own community to separate them from society and practice Islamic beliefs. Police were concerned about members of the sect who originated from […]