Yearly Archives: 2009


Seven Moro National Liberation Front fighters were killed when the military assaulted a school on the tiny island of Marabon, near the island of Palawan. One soldier was wounded and the military continued to search for MNLF fighters who escaped. MILF announced that it will not assist the government in operations against the terrorist group […]

Thai military claims progress against insurgency


Police detained four men thought to be behind the suicide bombings at the J.W. Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels on July 17. One of the men recruits suicide bombers and the other served a jail sentence for hiding Noordin Mohammed Top. Police believe al Qaeda financed the attack.


Three Taliban fighters and two civilians were killed during a shootout at a state bank in Kabul. The Taliban killed a family of five in Paktika, two US soldiers in southern Afghanistan, and a district chief and a tribal leader in Kandahar. Seventy- five Taliban fighters joined the government in Wardak. Security forces detained 10 […]


Security forces captured Taha al Hajj Suleiman, the Syrian member of Fatah al Islam who escaped from a high security prison in Beirut yesterday. Seven other members of the group were prevented from escaping. Suleiman’s escape led to the firing of more than 360 prison officials for poor performance.

Saudi Arabia

Security forces detained 44 members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, including one foreign fighter. “The network includes a number of the theorists and believers of the deviant ideology and supporters of criminal acts,” Interior Ministry spokesman General Mansur Al Turki said.


President Ahmadinejad is expected to appoint a novice to head the oil ministry. Major GeneralJafari called on the army and Basij to use soft power to oppose threats to the governemnt. Syrian President Bashar Assad visited Tehran. Russia is said to reconsider the sale of anti-aircraft missiles to Iran due to Israeli concerns.


US to release members of Iraqi group that kidnapped five Britons


The pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal-jama™a has ousted Shabaab from the border town of Beled Hawo in southwestern Somalia and the town of Wahbo in central Somalia. Shabaab fighters attacked a UN compound in Wajid north of Baidoa; the UN guards returned fire and killed three Shabaab fighters.


Yemen points to Iranian backing for rebels


Taha al-Hajj Suleiman, a “dangerous” member of Fatah al Islam, escaped from the high-security Roumieh prison in eastern Beirut. Seven other members of the group, including the chief spokesman, were captured while attempting to escape. The Fatah al Islam members were captured during the 2007 assault on the Nahr el Bared Palestinian refugee camp.


A suicide bomber killed three security personnel in Miramshah in North Waziristan. Security forces captured Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omar, who is said to have claimed Baitullah Mehsud is dead. Sufi Mohammed’s detention is being challenged in the Peshawar High Court. The military said months are needed to launch a ground operation in South Waziristan.


General Odierno wants to deploy US troops along Arab-Kurdish fault lines in the North. Two civilians were killed in a bombing in Baghdad and another was killed in a bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 19 wanted men in Basrah, two insurgents in Kirkuk, a terror cell leader and two cell members in Anbar, and […]


A Taliban suicide bomber killed seven UN and Coalition personnel and Afghan civilians in Kabul; another suicide bomber killed three soldiers and two civilians in Uruzgan. Three election officials were killed in an IED attack in Badahkshan; two US troops were killed in eastern Afghanistan, and a provincial council candidate was assassinated in Jawzjan.


Lashkar-e-Taiba has issued an order banning television in a region of Jammu and Kashmir. LeT posted the order outside a mosque and declared watching TV sinful. The fighters have broken into homes and beaten homeowners and smashed their TV sets.


A top nuclear official denied stating that Tehran was ready to hold talks with the West on its atomic program “without preconditions.” President Ahmadinejad planned to reveal cabinet appointees to the public on Wednesday. Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari announced that the country has discovered a giant oil field with in-place reserves of over […]


A rubber farmer was murdered by insurgents in Yala province; In Pattani province a security volunteer was wounded by gunfire while guarding Buddhist monks. On Sunday, a village chief and a security volunteer were murdered in a drive-by shooting in Narathiwat province.