Yearly Archives: 2009


Syrian-based Iraqi tribal leader snubs Al-Maliki


Iran no longer fears sanctions over nuclear row


German party calls for plan for removal of troops from Afghanistan


UN nukes chief ‘hiding Iran evidence’


The presidential and provincial council elections have ended. The Taliban failed to deter the election. There were 73 recorded violent acts in 15 provinces; 27 people were killed, including eight Afghan soldiers, nine police officers, nine civilians, and one US soldier. Security forces stopped suicide attacks in Kabul while small arms attacks were suppressed in […]


Seven people, including four policemen, were wounded in a car bomb attack in Rawalpindi. A senior aide to Mullah Fazlullah and 60 Taliban fighters surrendered in Swat; security forces killed two terrorists and detained eight more. The UN said that some civilians who fled the Swat operation may have to winter in temporary camps.


Four Iraqis were killed and 65 more were wounded in bombings in Bail; two Iraqis were killed and eight were wounded in a bombing in Baghdad. The toll of yesterday’s attacks throughout Baghdad is 82 killed and 1203 wounded; 11 security officials were detained for questioning. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah.

Philippine military offensive against Abu Sayyaf continues despite Ramadan


A police investigation into the July bombings in Jakarta revealed that Ario Sudarso and Mohamad Syahrir, two suspects in the attacks, had been preparing a sniper attack against President Obama during an expected visit to Indonesia after the APEC summit in November. Authorities also announced that much of the funding for the attack likely came […]


President Ahmadinejad revealed 11 new cabinet appointees; the Majlis is expected to reject the nominations. The Iranian oil ministry supports the controversial new minister appointee.

World™s first Muslim superheroes, the 99, out to conquer the West


Jamaat-e-Islami holds ‘Go America Go™ rally in Islamabad


Faqir Mohammed has assumed temporary command of the Taliban while Muslim Khan has been named the new spokesman. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters and captured 29 more in Swat. A lashkar killed three Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed three government officials in Bajaur and torched a school in Lower Dir.


A series of bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad killed 91 Iraqis and wounded 552 more. Prime Minister Maliki said the security plan must be reconsidered in light of the attacks. A policeman and a soldier were killed in separate attacks in Ninewa province. A US soldier was killed in southern Iraq.

Gates, Mullen use new media to hear from troops, public

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Libya has agreed to assist Algeria and Mali in their fight against Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The agreement seeks extensive intelligence collaboration between the countries in an effort to rid the Sahara of terrorism. Regional leaders have grown more vocal about pooling resources in order to halt the upsurge of AQIM attacks.