Yearly Archives: 2009


Two NATO solders were killed in an IED attack n southern Afghanistan. Border police killed a senior Taliban commander in Takhar province and detained two drug smugglers in Herat. ISAF and Afghan forces detained four Haqqani Network fighters in Wardak and Paktia provinces. An Afghan civilian turned in an IED facilitator in Laghman province.


Shiite groups announce new alliance minus Iraqi PM


The Majilis supports President Ahmadinejad’s appointee for defense minister; the appointee is wanted by Argentina for his role in the bombing of a Jewish center. The government will put more anti-Ahmadinejad protesters on trial. Foreign Minister spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi told the world to work with, instead of against, Iran’s nuclear power ambitions.


Iran’s Rafsanjani calls for unity, backs supreme leader


A suicide bomber killed three civilians outside the Peshawar home of the spokesman for Ansar-ul-Islam; the spokesman was killed in a suicide attack on Aug. 22. Security forces detained 51 Taliban fighters in Swat and seven Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members in Karachi. A Taliban tribal leader and three relatives were killed during a shooting in Wana in […]

The Taliban

Waliur Rehman Mehsud claimed Baitullah Mehsud “deputed the organization™s affairs” to him two months ago. The statement challenges the appointment of Hakeemullah Mehsud as the successor to Baitullah. Waliur claimed he would appoint a new leader within five days.

The denarcofication of Afghanistan

With an increased focus on breaking the links between insurgents and the narcotics industry in Afghanistan, the US has announced, during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing held earlier this month, its new initiatives to combat this threat. The most significant and controversial (to some NATO partners like Germany) shift in strategy is to use […]

Makers of military drones take off


Insurgents killed two soldiers and wounded two soldiers and one policeman during an attack on a checkpoint in Narathiwat. Insurgents also killed four government officials and wounded three more in an IED attack in Yala province and killed a village leader in a mosque in Pattani.


The Iraqi government aired the confession of a man who claimed the Ba’ath party was behind last week’s attacks in Baghdad that killed more than 90 people. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and an Awakening official in Diyala, targeted a tribal leader for assassination near Fallaujah, and bombed the home of a policeman in […]


Afghanistan war ‘serious’ and ‘deteriorating,’ Mullen says


The top US military officer said the situation in Afghanistan is “serious” and “deteriorating.” Presidential candidate Abdullah accused President Karzai of “rigging the election.” ISAF and Afghan troops killed four Taliban fighters and captured 13 more during separate operations in Kandahar province.


Hizbul Islam leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys rejected the government’s call for a Ramadan ceasefire. “We will redouble the war against infidels,” Aweys said. Aweys also rejected reports that Hizbul Islam is in negotiations with the government. Nine people were killed during clashes in Mogadishu on Aug. 22.

If Pakistani intelligence knows so much, how did it miss the Taliban shura meeting?

Pakistani intelligence is claiming that Hakeemullah Mehsud, Baitullah Mehsud’s successor to lead the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, is dead and that his appointment to lead the Taliban is a ruse to hide infighting: Pakistani intelligence officials have said Hakeemullah Mehsud is also dead, killed in a shootout with rivals days after Baitullah Mehsud […]

Don’t expect quick results in Afghanistan

The Obama administration is betting that the ‘surge’ of nearly 21,000 US forces to Afghanistan will produce positive results within the next year. What will happen if the situation doesn’t improve in that year isn’t stated, and leaves much cause for concern. If you are hoping the influx of US forces into Helmand province and […]


Pak Taliban planned to target Gilani, Shahbaz Sharif: Report


The Iraqi government has decided to rebuild the concrete blast walls around sensitive sites in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a mayor and two children in Mosul. Iraqi security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah, two Naqshabandiya group members in Diyala, three insurgents in Khanaqin, and a senior al Qaeda leader in northern Diyala.


Doku Umarov, the leader of the Caucasus Emirate, said that “Ramadan is the best time for Jihad! ” The Russian government dismissed claims by the Riyad-us Salihiin martyrs brigade that the group was behind a massive blast at the Sayano-Shushenskaya power station in southern Siberia on Aug. 17.


A suicide bomber killed two security personnel in Swat; another bomber killed himself during a military raid in Swat. A car bomb in Peshawar killed two Ansar-ul-Islam members. Two children were killed in a rocket attack in Landi Kotal. A tribe in Mardan is raising a lashkar to fight the Taliban.


An Afghan Army commander and three soldiers were killed during an IED attack in Jalalabad. Two policemen were killed as a Taliban assault team attempted to storm a police headquarters in Jalalabad; police repelled the assault. An Afghan soldier killed three Taliban fighters as they attempted to kill civilians who voted. Six civilians were killed […]