Yearly Archives: 2009


Grand Ayatollah Montazeri criticized the Ahmadinejad government over show trials and warned of a possible “regime fall.” Grand Ayatollah Khamenei claimed the riots were planned before the election. A member of parliament said the rapes of some election protesters who were detained have been proven. Tehran is worried that the Afghan insurgency might spill into […]


The suicide bomber behind the Aug. 17 attack against a police station in Nazron has been identified as Said Abu Sa’ad, a well-known Islamic preacher with scores of followers in Russia. He has indoctrinated recruits into jihadist activities in the past, the latest example being a suicide bomber who attacked the concert hall in Grozny. […]


Indonesian bombing suspect a jihad magazine publisher and webmaster

New Taliban chief threatens US

Hakeemullah Mehsud said he would avenge Baitullah’s death and would strike at the US. He has a history of successfully carrying out high-profile attacks inside Pakistan.


Somali militants use many tactics to woo Americans


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters and detained 13 more in Swat, and arrested 46 suspected terrorists in Islamabad. Helicopters and aircraft attacked Taliban positions in South Waziristan. Ansar-ul-Islam accused Lashkar-e-Islam of hiring an assassin to killed the group’s spokesman. The Peshawar High Court released Sufi Mohammed’s sons on bail.

The general’s option

Polish Land Forces Commander Lieutenant General Waldemar Skrzypczak resigned his command after lambasting the government for not providing Polish troops in Afghanistan with needed equipment. Defense Industry Daily reports: “It is shameful that we haven’t given soldiers needed equipment  We’ve been fighting for equipment [like UAVs and fully armed helicopters] for over two years, but […]


Police arrested Muhammad Jibril, who is suspected of financing the July bombings in Jakarta. Jibril is a member of Mohammed Noordin Top’s Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia. Police also detained Ali Muhammad bin Abdullah, a Saudi national who is also suspected of raising funds for the Jakarta bombings.


The Taliban denied involvement in yesterday’s massive bombing in Kandahar that killed 43 civilians. Afghan troops killed 10 Taliban fighters in Kunduz and Baghlan. ISAF and Afghan troops killed a wanted Taliban IED facilitator in Kandahar. Three Taliban fighters and one Afghan soldier were killed during clashes in Wardak. The Taliban killed three policemen in […]


Interpol has issued Red Corner Notices for Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives Abu Hamza, Zarar Shah, and Abu al-Qama for their involvement in the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. Yesterday, Interpol issued notices for Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed and operations chief Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi.


Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, died of cancer. Insurgents killed three Iraqis in Mosul and a policeman in Kirkuk, and wounded five civilians in Baghdad. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah.


Iraq: Inside al Qaeda underground torture bunkers


Proposed halt in nuclear program by “pragmatists” in Tehran went ignored by Ahmadinejad government. Former President Khatami said the trial confessions of his allies are invalid. Tehran gained support from non-aligned nations for ban on nuclear plant attacks. Anonymous US diplomats revealed that Iran’s uranium enrichment program stagnated as output increased.


Indonesia: Police question Saudi suspect over Jakarta attacks

Pakistani officials deny Taliban selected new leader

Even though Waliur Rehman Mehsud and Hakeemullah Mehsud conducted several phone calls to the press and confirmed Baitullah is dead and Hakeemullah is the new chief, Pakistan’s Interior and Foreign Ministers continue to insist the Taliban are fighting over who will be the new leader. From Daily Times: “It is all speculation until Hakeemullah Mehsud […]

The Taliban

Taliban leaders Waliur Rehman Mehsud and Hakeemullah Mehsud gave a joint interview to the press to confirm that Baitullah Mehsud died in a Predator strike. Waliur confirmed Hakeemullah is the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan while he would lead the Taliban in South Waziristan. Interior Minister Malik and Foreign minister […]


Security forces killed three Taliban fighters and detained 18 more in Swat. The bodies of 14 suspected Taliban fighters were found in Swat. Security forces detained 39 tribesmen in Bajaur under the Frontier Crimes Regulation, which President Zardari said would no longer be used.


Interpol has released a ‘Red Corner Notice’ for Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamaat-ud-Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed after being pressured by India. The notice does not mean Pakistan is required to arrest Saeed. Police detained a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative carrying explosives in Delhi.