Yearly Archives: 2009


Key witness in Mumbai terror attacks case "missing&quot

Looking out for broad revenge (and fixed elections) in Iraq

A legion of analysts are trying to discern Iraq’s future stability since American forces have (mostly) pulled out of cities and the ultimate Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) withdrawal deadline draws closer. Of all the potential flashpoints – Arab-Kurd haggling over Kirkuk, possible reanimation of criminal Shia militias, insidious meddling by Iran, remnants of Al […]

Another ‘grim milestone’

We’re consistently told that counting the number of dead Taliban, al Qaeda, or other terrorists is an inaccurate metric to gauge success. And I agree; a focus just on the number of dead enemy fighters does not tell the story, only a small part of it. Analyzing casualties alone is highly misleading. So why does […]

Al Qaeda

In a tape released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri called for Pakistanis to “back the jihad and mujahideen with your persons, wealth, opinion, expertise, information and prayers and by exhorting others to help them and preach their message.” He also described the fighting in the tribal areas and Swat as an “integral part of […]


ICG: Noordin Mohammad Top’s network is large and extensive

Authorities examine connections between Southeast Asian terrorist groups


Philippine military needs larger budget to modernize, says Defense Secretary


Two more suicide bombers detonated their vests while held up in a house in Grozny. Three police officers and three civilians were injured. The bombers have been identified as Adam Ustarkhanov and Saikhan Ospanov; both were members of Khusein Gakayev’s gang. Three more insurgents were killed in a shootout with police in the capital of […]

Saudi Arabia

A suicide bomber lightly wounded Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, the assistant interior minister, at a public Ramadan gathering in Jeddah. Nayef is responsible for Saudi Arabia’s counterterrorism program. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit for the attack.

Al Qaeda

9/11 plotters still alive and planning more attacks: Mullen


Thirty members of Boko Haram have been captured outside Yola, the capital of the state of Adamawa. Ten members said they have received bomb-making training in Afghanistan. The Boko Haram members have eluded the police since the uprising in late July that was responsible for 800 deaths. Boko Haram has stated that it will avenge […]


Pakistan: Taliban commander ‘target’ of drone attack


A suicide bomber killed 22 border guards at the Torkham crossing in Khyber. A US airstrike killed eight Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Four soldiers and nine Taliban fighters were killed in South Waziristan. Police killed seven Taliban fighters and detained four more in Buner. Security forces captured 31 Taliban fighters in Swat and Malakand. […]


One Iraqi was killed and 22 more were wounded in a string of bombings in Baghdad. A policeman and a civilian were killed in attack in Mosul. US troops killed one insurgent and wounded another in Kirkuk. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah and two more in Kirkuk, two insurgents in Mosul, and […]

Saga of the sons of Sufi

Yesterday the Peshawar High Court released on bail the three sons of Sufi Mohammed, the leader of the pro-Taliban Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammed [TNSM, or the Movement for the Enforcement of Mohammed’s Law] in Swat and Dir. Sufi engineered the Malakand Accord, which turned large tracts of Pakistan’s northwest over the the Taliban. The release of Sufi’s sons […]


Indian army kills militant in gun-fighting in India-controlled Kashmir


US and Afghan troops killed 12 Taliban fighters and captured seven more, including a commander, during a battle in Paktia province. The Taliban killed four policemen in an IED attack in Khost and killed a British soldier in Helmand province. The release of the results of the Afghan election has been delayed for two more […]


Ten Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members have surrendered to authorities. The AQIM fighters hope to take advantage of a general amnesty issued by President Bouteflika in 2006 that has expired but may be revived. Six of the surrendered fighters were members of Katibat Al-Mulathamin led by Mukhtar Belmukhtar, a prominent leader listed on […]


Police filed murder charges against 13 Abu Sayyaf and Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters in connection with the Aug. 12 battle with government forces that left 20 Marines and three soldiers dead. Despite the truce with MILF, police continue to hunt for three commanders who are wanted for attacks on civilian communities in Basilan and […]