Yearly Archives: 2009


Israel: Islamist ‘militant’ accused of murder plot

US released Baghdad bombers (Law & Order: Special Jihad Unit)

The AFP quickly reported that the two suicide bombers behind the recent spectacular attacks in Baghdad on Aug. 19 were released from American custody at Camp Bucca a few months ago. There is some relevant background worth understanding about US detention of Iraqis: 1. The transfer of detainees out of US custody and back into […]


President Ahmadinejad’s new intelligence minister vowed to “confront the enemy’s soft war” against the government. Ayatollah Khamenei vowed to prosecute post-vote “crimes.” Six nations are to meet in Germany to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.


President Bashar al Assad denied Iraqi claims that Syria is aiding al Qaeda in Iraq and other insurgent groups and said such statements are “immoral.” Both countries withdrew their ambassadors. Turkey is attempting to mediate the dispute between Syria and Iraq.


New Shiite-Sunni political coalition formed


In Srinagar, two Indian policemen were killed after terrorists launched an attack close to the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly, and in a separate incident five police officers and nine civilians were wounded in a grenade attack. Violence in Jammu and Kashmir has fallen to its lowest level since the insurgency began in 1989.

Saudi Arabia

The government ordered security at oil facilities, including the massive Abqaiq complex and the Ras Tanura terminal, to be stepped up after last week’s failed suicide attack that targeted the Deputy Interior Minister, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef. The Abqaiq facility was targeted with a suicide assault in February 2006.


Pakistan – Invisible security blanket around AQ Khan™s residence


A suicide bomber killed 16 cadets in an attack on a training center in Swat. The Taliban destroyed 25 NATO supply trucks and oil tankers at the Chaman border crossing, killed a counterterrorism police chief and an officer in Karak, and attacked a police station in Lakki Marwat. Security forces killed 3 Taliban fighters in […]

Iraq attacks and the Syrian connection

As Iraq takes greater responsibility for its security, the government has begun to lash out at Syria for serving as a sanctuary and training ground for al Qaeda in Iraq and other Sunni and Ba’athist insurgent groups. Today the Iraqi government aired the confession of Mohammed Hassan al Shemari, a Saudi al Qaeda member who […]


A Saudi leader of al Qaeda in Iraq named Mohammed Hassan al Shemari said Syrian intelligence trained fighters to conduct attacks. “They taught us lessons in Islamic law and trained us to fight,” Shemari said. “The camp was well known to Syrian intelligence.” A Syrian intelligence agent called Abu al Qaqaa commanded a camp.


US and Afghan forces killed scores of Taliban fighters during assaults on Haqqani Network bases in Khost and Pakitka and captured two Taliban commanders and two fighters in Kunar province. An ISAF soldier was killed in southern Afghanistan. The Brits destroyed a Chinook helicopter after a hard landing in Helmand. The Taliban killed two children […]


The number of Iraqi detainees in US custody has dropped below 9,000. The suicide bombers in the Aug. 19 Baghdad attack had been released from US detention months ago. Iraqi forces detained 14 members of a cell behind the Aug. 19 bombings in Baghdad and eight wanted men in Basrah. A suicide bomber killed one […]


Madhatta Haipe, an Abu Sayyaf terrorist who kidnapped American tourists in South Cotabato province in 1995, appeared before a federal court in Washington and was ordered held without bail. An IED planted by Abu Sayyaf wounded two Army engineers as they were on the way to a local mosque to pray in Sulu province. The […]

15 policemen killed in Swat suicide attack

The suicide bomber entered the training grounds at the Special Police Training Center in Mingora and detonated his vest. The attack is the latest in a string of attacks targeting Pakistan’s security forces.

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula named the suicide bomber who died while attempting to assassinate Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the deputy minister of the interior who leads counterterrorism efforts. The bomber, who entered the country from Yemen, was named Abdullah Hassan Tali’ al Asiri and was on the kingdom’s list of 85 most wanted […]

Al Qaeda ‘running’ from Pakistan, again

The good news is Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems to have dropped the charade that newly appointed Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud is dead. The bad news is we’re going to be bombarded with more of the “Taliban is collapsing” rhetoric. From The Nation (the Pakistani newspaper): Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said Pakistan and […]


Pakistan: Jamaat-e-Islami striving for alliance of anti-US political parties


Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters and six suicide bombers in Swat and captured 13 more in Swat and Malakand, and detained the superintendent of a hospital in North Waziristan for treating Taliban fighters. The Pakistani government closed the border crossing at Chaman in Baluchistan. Sufi Mohammed’s detention was extended for one month.