Yearly Archives: 2009

Swat Taliban to be tried in Islamic courts

Some good news, and some potential bad news from Swat. First the good news, from Dawn: The commander of the operation against militants in the area of Swat, Kanju underlined that 105 militants have laid down their arms during search and clearance operations. During a Press Briefing, Brigadier Suleman said the operation is moving in […]

Taliban strong in remote Afghan regions

DVIDS just posted an interesting story on a complex Taliban ambush against a US Army fuel convoy moving through the mountains at the border of Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces. A battalion of Taliban fighters established a “two-mile kill zone” in the mountains and attacked a 22-truck convoy from the 286th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion. The […]


The military killed 40 extremists in Khyber and captured 43 more. In Swat, the military killed 15 Taliban fighters while 105 surrendered; those who surrendered will be tried in a qazi court. Forty-one more corpses have been discovered in Swat.


Attacks prompt Iraqi security assessment


Ethiopian troops are withdrawing from Beletwein, and the governor of Hiran province said his administration is no longer part of the Transitional Federal Government. Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam flogged 3 teenage boys accused of rape in Mogadishu.


Iraq seeks an international tribunal to investigate foreign interference in attacks inside the country. Iraqi, Kurdish, and US forces are creating a joint unit to secure areas in Kirkuk. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Amarah and eight more in Basrah, and four al Qaeda operatives in Khanaqin.


Restrictions on movement lifted, says Pak Nuclear scientist A Q Khan


Afghan police killed a Taliban commander and wounded his driver in Kunduz province. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan and an Afghan security guard in an IED attack in Zabul province.


President Ahmadinejad will give a speech at the UN meeting on Sept. 23. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei praised the Islamic Republic’s ability to overcome post-election problems. Iran and Pakistan staged a joint anti-drug operation on the AfPak border.


Pakistan – Al Qaeda had no role in Taliban chief™s appointment: Faqir Mohammed

Pakistan’s most-wanted: look at who isn’t listed

Pakistan’s interior ministry has a top ten most-wanted list, according to Amir Mir, the journalist for The News. According to Mir, the top ten list is as follows: 1. Mullah Fazlullah – the chief of the Taliban in Swat. 2. Hakeemullah Mehsud – the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and […]


Was Russia’s ‘Arctic Sea’ carrying missiles to Iran?


Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader from Algeria and a local fighter during a raid on a home in the Khasavyurt district in Dagestan. The Algerian was known as Doctor Muhammed and was “tasked to oversee terrorist acts in Dagestan,” a Russian security official said.


Son of Iran candidate ally died after beating: report


Security forces detained 10 al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, eight wanted men in Basrah and one more in Amarah, and three terrorists in Mosul. The Turkish foreign minister said Iraq’s evidence against Syrian involvement in the Sunni insurgency is convincing and he would pass the information to Syria.


The Chaman border crossing has been reopened after 25 NATO vehicles and oil tankers were destroyed in Taliban attacks. Security forces killed 30 Taliban fighters in Swat and detained one Taliban operative in Sukkar.


General McChrystal submitted the assessment of the security situation in Afghanistan. He will reportedly call for the doubling of Afghan Army and police forces. Four ISAF soldiers were killed in IED and small arms attacks in southern Afghanistan.

Indonesian police: Islamic militants planned bigger attack than July’s Jakarta bombing

Thailand’s insurgency remains localized