Yearly Archives: 2009


The Students Islamic Movement of India has renamed itself the Wahadat-e-Islami and its members have been meeting across the country. The group is headquartered in Rajasthan, according to Indian intelligence.


EU foreign ministers weigh Afghanistan strategy in wake of Kunduz strike


Yemen blames northern rebels for breaking truce


One border policeman was killed and 12 more were wounded in a car bombing at a restaurant in Yala province. A security patrol killed one insurgent during a clash in the Bannang Sata district in Yala.


Security forces killed a Taliban commander and four fighters in Khyber and killed one more in Swat; 41 fighters surrendered or were detained. Three Taliban commanders were detained in Hayatabad. A lashkar killed three Taliban fighters in Swat. The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in Peshawar.


Ahmadinejad’s imam: Islam allows raping, torturing prisoners


Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurahman Abu Zubayr, the leader of Shabaab, called for an uprising against the semi-autonomous Somaliland government. Islamist terrorists attacked an African Union base in Mogadishu; five people were killed during the fighting.

Who killed Afghanistan’s deputy intelligence chief?

Over at the Asia Times, M K Bhadrakumar postulates that Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency was behind this week’s suicide bomb assassination of Dr. Abdullah Laghmani, Afghanistan’s deputy intelligence chief: Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has been stalking Laghmani for a decade. It is rare for an intelligence agency to single out one individual as its mortal […]


Eight Iraqis were killed and 65 more were wounded in yesterday’s bombings near a shrine in Musayyab in Babil province. Security forces detained three al Qaeda fighters and two Naqshabandiya fighters in Diyala and six criminals in Basrah. Border security forces in Maysan have stepped up patrols to prevent infiltration from Iran.


A NATO airstrike in Kunduz province killed scores of Taliban fighters as well as civilians. NATO aircraft killed five Taliban fighters as they planted IEDs in Zabul. A suicide bomber killed three private security guards in Nimroz province. The Taliban killed ISAF soldiers in southern and eastern Afghanistan.

US commander focuses on stopping Asia-Pacific terrorism


Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani urged followers to stop infighting and “export the revolution.” India will invest $5 billion to develop a natural gas field in Iran. A member of parliament revealed that Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Majilis to confirm Ahmadinejad’s cabinet nominees.

NATO airstrike in Kunduz kills scores

ISAF called in the strike after two fuel trucks were hijacked in a region under control of the Taliban. More than 90 Taliban fighters and civilians have been reported killed.


Iraq body confirmed to be British hostage

Al Qaeda

A jihadi website announced that Osama bin Laden would post a “present” for Ramadan. An al Qaeda operative who was based out of Iran surrendered to the Saudi government; he was on the Saudis’ list of the 85 most-wanted terrorists.


New protests reported in restive Chinese region

Iraq turns up heat on Syria

Iraq is continuing its war of words with Syria over the latter’s sheltering of al Qaeda and Ba’athist terror groups. From Reuters: “Why must they insist on sheltering the armed organizations and those wanted by Iraqi courts and Interpol on Syrian lands?” Maliki was quoted by his office as saying. … “The crisis with Syria […]


Yemen – More than 25,000 ‘displaced by conflict’


One terrorist and two civilians were killed in a bombing in Ramadi. Eight Iraqis were wounded in a bombing in Karbala and four more were wounded in a bombing in Baqubah. Casualties were also reported during bombings in a shrine in Musayyab. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, three terrorists in Karbala, and […]


The National Police announced that they were pursuing 44 Abu Sayyaf members who were involved in the 2001 abduction of tourists from a resort in Palawan and the 2000 abduction of civilians in Basilan. President Arroyo stated that Libya’s Qadaffi Foundation may invest in economic development in Mindanao.