Yearly Archives: 2009


Iran and the international community will meet to discuss Iran’s nuclear program in Europe on Oct. 1. Iran obtained US military technology through Malaysian middlemen. The government expects internal protests on Qods Day.


Two terrorists and two policemen were killed during a clash in Mosul. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Basrah, three in Kirkuk, and a municipal council leader in Al Kut. Four Iraqis were killed and 27 were wounded in Diyala and Baqubah and in two attacks in Mosul.


The Taliban killed one British soldier and one ISAF soldier in separate attacks in southern Afghanistan. Security forces killed a Taliban commander in Badghis, detained two Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters in Kunduz and five Taliban fighters in Balkh, and seized more than a ton of narcotics in Nangarhar.


Q A: Has the back of the Pakistani Taliban been broken?

Al Qaeda

Former CIA agent’s hunt for bin Laden in Pakistani badlands

Al Qaeda

9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta could have been stopped, FBI informant says

New OBL tape: Appeasement talk and cited Westerners

Osama bin Laden, from his latest tape. Image courtesy of Nick Grace. Bill Roggio notes the new bin Laden audiotape, “An Address to the American People by the Lion of Islam Sheikh Osama bin Laden.” As the title suggests, it is expressly directed at a Western audience. There are two interesting aspects to the tape. […]


Reemergence of Taliban in Kandahar presents challenges for US, NATO

Bin Laden releases new tape

Osama bin Laden has released a new audiotape called “An address to the American people by the Lion of Islam Sheikh Osama bin Laden (May Allah Protect Him).” The video is more than 11 minutes long; excerpts from Reuters appear below. In the tape, bin Laden attacks the US for its close ties to Israel […]


President Ahmedinejad said Iran’s nuclear program will not be part of direct talks with the US. “From the Iranian nation’s viewpoint, the nuclear case is closed,” he said. An ally of Mir Hossein Musavi has been released on bail after five days in detention.


Pro-Ahmadinejad Sunni cleric said killed in western Iran


Iraqi militants plant bomb in Shi’ite holy book


More than 100 Britons a year are estimated to travel to Somalia to train in terror camps. African Union troops killed 11 camels near the Mogadishu airport after mistaking them for Shabaab fighters conducting an attack. Shabaab ordered women in Warshiq to wear the veil.


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and two Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber, and detained seven Maldivians. Two Frontier Corps troops were killed in Khyber and three Pakistani civilians and a policeman were wounded in a suicide attack in Malakand. A provincial minister said that 5,000 Uzbeks are in Waziristan and that the […]


Muslim terrorists killed five Rangers during an attack on a base in Yala province. Terrorists also killed five civilians, including a civilian who was set aflame. Police detained a man suspected of conducting bombings in Pattani province.


Security forces killed an Ansar al Islam leader near Kirkuk, and detained 106 suspected insurgents in the Touz Khormato district, 11 in Al Kut, and 10 more in Basrah. On policeman was killed and six policemen and a civilian were wounded in three bombings in Kirkuk. Three civilians were wounded in an IED blast in […]


President Karzai is said to have 54.3 percent of the vote as 95 percent of the polling stations have been counted; accusations of rampant fraud persist. Security forces killed two Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia. Two US troops were killed during yesterday’s battle in Farah province. A Reaper crashed into the side of a mountain.


Iran again rules out talks on its nuclear rights


US funds were diverted to strengthen defence against India: Musharraf