Yearly Archives: 2009


The Pakistani Air Force killed five Taliban fighters in strikes in the Salarzai area of Bajaur. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters and captured 12 more in Swat. Police in Karachi stopped an attack on an oil storage facility near the main port in Kaemari; one security guard was killed. The Taliban destroyed a medical […]


Three foreign fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash near Tal Abtah. Insurgents killed a policemen in Hillah and wounded one policeman in Mosul and three civilians in Kirkuk. Security forces detained nine policemen with links to the insurgency in Tal Afar, three wanted men in Basrah, two terrorists in Baghdad, and an […]


Pakistan: Fighter jets pound militants in tribal area


Mortars hit Baghdad Green Zone during Biden visit

US-Lebanese terror suspect in UAE complains of torture


Turkey to host Iraq-Syria talks in Istanbul

Behind the Pakistan Predator strikes

Graphic from the Chicago Tribune on the Predator/Reaper strike program. Click image to enlarge. The Chicago Tribune has a good graphic on the US unmanned air campaign targeting the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan.* From the intro: Monday’s deadly airstrike in northwest Pakistan marks the latest example of US forces’ increasing reliance on unmanned […]


A recount of votes has been ordered for 10 percent of the polling stations. Afghan and NATO forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in Wardak and wounded three children and an adult in attacks in Khost and Herat. Eight Afghan soldiers were killed during infighting.


Shababb has threatened to avenge the killing of Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan. “The United States is Islam™s known enemy and we will never expect mercy from them, nor should they expect mercy from us,” a leader said. Two people were wounded after government forces clashed over taxing vehicles.


The US demanded that Iran must be willing to discuss its “illicit nuclear program” during the meeting on Oct. 1. The US and five allies are to present a “united front” against the Iranian nuclear program. Former President Rasfanjani urged an epic turn-out for the al Qods day celebration.


Security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in Swat and Malakand and 152 more surrendered. Eight Lashkar-e-Islam fighters and one soldier were killed in Khyber; one Taliban fighter was killed in Bajaur. Fourteen policemen were wounded in a bombing in Mansehra. A total of 715 tribal police were fired for failing to report for duty in […]

United States

The FBI and police raided several locations in Queens, New York City, after discovering “a small group of people who espoused a militant ideology aligned with Al Qaeda and whose activities had aroused enough suspicion to obtain warrants for the searches and arrests.” No arrests were made.

MILF demands Philippine military to clear unexploded ordinance

Al Qaeda

The Ziad al-Jarrah division of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the weekend Katyusha attack in Israel. “Your brothers fired two Katyusha rockets from south Lebanon which landed in the Naharia settlement in the north of occupied Palestine,” according to a statement released on the Internet.

Philippines to boost security of American troops deployed to Mindanao


Muslim insurgents ambushed soldiers after they ate a fast-breaking dinner at a mosque in Yala province, killing five troops. On Saturday, five civilians were also killed in Yala province, including a teenage rubber worker who was killed and set on fire.

Low-level Taliban leader surrenders in Afghanistan

Spanish troops patrol Badghis province. Adnkronos International reports (via Pajhwok) that a Taliban commander in the northwestern province of Badghis has surrendered: A rebel commander, has laid down his arms in western Badghis province. Mullah Salam said he decided to renounce militancy, accusing Taliban fighters of targeting civilians, Afghan news agency Pajhwok reported. Badghis police […]


Afghanistan: For reporter, no doubt: ‘I’d use the rifle if I had to’