Yearly Archives: 2009


The Malian military intercepted “traffickers” in the northern desert of Mali who were attempting to cross the border with weapons destined for Islamist fighters. The weapons traffickers were of many nationalities. Mali, Algeria, and Mauritania have increased their efforts to track down Islamist fighters and armed gangs responsible for perpetuating the violence in their countries.


Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran


Ahmadinejad says Iran will never stop nuclear program


Pakistan needs $100 billion, better schools to beat extremism, says President


A suicide bomber killed 33 civilians in an attack at a bazaar in Kohat. A political leader was killed in a bombing at a mosque in Hangu. The military killed 13 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and Khyber. Civilians are fleeing Khyber after Mangal Bagh threatened to retaliate against the military.

United States

Najibullah Zazi is said to have admitted to receiving explosives training at an al Qaeda camp in Pakistan and may plead guilty as part of a deal to cooperate with the government. Zazi was the subject of FBI raids in New York City and Denver earlier this week.

Pakistan and COIN

Over at the New America Foundation, Sameer Lalwani has produced what I think is the best assessment out there on the problems in Pakistan’s northwest and the Pakistani military’s ability to counter the threat. Lalwani’s paper is titled “Pakistani Capabilities for a Counterinsurgency Campaign: A Net Assessment” [PDF format]. A read of the summary findings […]


Security forces killed a senior leader in the Naqshabandiya group in Khanaqin and detained two insurgents in Mosul. Insurgents killed seven civilians and wounded 21 more during a bombing at a market in Mahmudiya and kidnapped 11 civilians in Babil.


Tens of thousands of protesters chanted “death to the dictator” and hurled rocks at Iranian security forces during a march in Tehran. President Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust “a lie” during a speech. NATO wants Russia to pressure Iran to halt its nuclear program.


US taking Musharraf’s revelations on aid diversion seriously

The Haqqani trust

Click to view slide show of the Haqqani Network. Pictured is a composite image of Siraj Haqqani. The Asia Times’ Syed Saleem Shahzad reports that the Taliban supremos in North and South Waziristan recently held a meeting in Khost province in Afghanistan. The meeting was called and chaired by Siraj Haqqani, the son of Jalaluddin […]


President Karzai said he “will not be forced into second ballot” by the international community. One Canadian and one US soldier were killed in Taliban attacks on Sept. 17. Coalition and Afghan forces detained three Taliban fighters in Kandahar and three Haqqani Network fighters in Khost.


Shabaab fighters have six more stolen United Nations vehicles primed as suicide bombs, the government said. The death toll from twin suicide car bombings at the African Union’s main base in Somalia rose to 21 Friday, including 17 peacekeepers. It was the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since 2007. France said Friday it has evacuated […]


Silvio Berlusconi talks of pullout after six Italians die in Kabul

An interview with Mullah Sangeen

Image of Haqqani Network military commander Mullah Sangeen Zadran. Obtained by The Long War Journal from a Taliban propaganda tape. Matt Dupee passed along this As Sahab interview with a ‘Mawlawi Sangeen,’ who is identified as the “Director of Military Affairs of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan for Paktika province.” Although he is not identified as […]


Afghanistan: Taliban exalt deaths of ‘senior’ Italian soldiers


As Al Qaeda grows, Yemen battles Shia rebels


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters and detained 39 more in Swat, and killed two Taliban fighters in Bajaur. A NATO supply truck was torched in Khuzdar. Police registered charges against Hafiz Saeed for preaching jihad and soliciting money for terrorist actions.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda-linked group said to be planning India attacks


The IAEA reported that Iran has “sufficient information” to build a nuclear weapon and is likely to “overcome problems” with developing a delivery system. US lawmakers called for tougher sanctions on Iran. Iran’s foreign minister said that there will be no direct talks between US and Iran on October 1.


Two Shabaab suicide bombers killed the deputy African Union commander and eight others in an attack on a base in Mogadishu. Shabaab took credit for the attack. Shabaab issued terms to the French that would ensure the release of a captive security official.