Yearly Archives: 2009


No 10 asked Army to delay Afghan attack until after Gordon Brown’s visit


Iran’s second uranium enrichment plant may have made Israeli strike less likely


Iran vows to switch on ‘secret’ nuclear facility


Taliban suicide bombers killed 20 people and wounded more than 100 in dual attacks in Peshawar and Bannu cities. Twenty Taliban fighters surrendered in Swat. The Taliban demanded that captive leaders be released in exchange for a kidnapped Greek aid worker.


Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Diyala and six more during raids nationwide. Police detained three al Qaeda escapees from last week’s prison break in Tikrit; seven remain free. Insurgents killed one policeman in Mosul and wounded two more policemen and two soldiers in Mosul and Khaniqan.


The governor of central Hiran region quit the Mogadishu government and declared his loyalty to Hizbul Islam. “Our fighters and weapons are now part of Hizbul Islam,” he told reporters. Businessmen in Mogadishu asked Shabaab to reopen roads that lead to the crucial Bakara Market, saying they would stop their financial support if the roads […]


Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters as they stormed a district center in Kunduz, eight in Helmand, eight in Nimroz, and four in Nangarhar. Two policemen were also killed in Nimroz. Police detained a suicide bomber in Balkh while Afghan and Coalition forces killed and detained “several” Taliban fighters in in Wardak and Helmand. The […]


Australia: Islamist given nine-year sentence for terrorism


A court postponed a hearing for Lashkar-e-Taiba operations chief Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi and six others for their connections to the Mumbai terror assault in 2008. A two-judge panel will review a petition on Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and leader Hafiz Saeed on charges that he encouraged and raised money for jihad.


UK: Major-General Andrew Mackay quit after ‘grave crisis™ warning


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. In Swat, 13 Taliban fighters were captured and 57 more surrendered. Five terror suspects were detained in Dera Ghazi Khan. The Taliban wounded a lashkar fighter in Bajaur.


Eritrea says terrorism focus not working in Somalia

Philippine government files charges against Abu Sayyaf escapees

Links between terrorist groups in Southeast Asia evolved over the years


IAEA may inspect new nuclear site: Iran president

Al Qaeda

Pakistan discovers ‘village’ of white German al-Qaeda insurgents


Fifteen Iraqi soldiers were killed while trying to defuse a car bomb in a facility north of Mosul. Iraqi forces detained 66 wanted men in Dhi Qhar, 17 terrorists during raids nationwide, 14 insurgents in Kirkuk, and four escaped al Qaeda prisoners. Two policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Baghdad.

Taliban suicide bombing master Qari Hussain Mehsud speaks

Scores of children train to become suicide bombers at a camp run by Qair Hussain in Spinkai, South Waziristan. Image courtesy of AfPax Insider. Qari Hussain Mehsud, the cousin of slain Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, popped up from hiding and conducted an interview with the Associated Press. Qari Hussain is the Taliban leader who is […]

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden released a five-minute-long audiotape where he urged the Europeans to abandon the war in Afghanistan. “… [I]t won™t be long until the dust of war clears in Afghanistan, at which point you won™t find a trace of any American, because they will have gone away far beyond the Atlantic, Allah permitting, and […]