Yearly Archives: 2009

Zawahiri eulogizes Baitullah Mehsud

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, has sung the praises of former Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud on a videotape produced by As Sahab and distributed on jihadi forums. Zawahiri used Baitullah’s death to praise the Taliban’s fight against NATO and the US in Afghanistan. But Zawahiri especially focused on Baitullah’s role in […]


US Defense Secretary Gates said setting a withdrawal time line “would all be a strategic mistake.” The UN said 2009 is already the deadliest year for Afghan civilians. Police killed two would-be suicide bombers in Nimroz. Afghan and Coalition forces detained “several” Taliban fighters in Wardak province.


The Mauritanian army has arrested seven suspected armed men accused of being members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The men were apprehended in the remote Limaghiti region, nearly 1,100 km northeast of Nouakchott. The men were spotted conducting “suspicious movements” in two sport-utility vehicles by Mauritanian surveillance aircraft.


Government and Ethiopian troops routed Hizbul Islam fighters from the central town of Beledweyne. Insurgents attacked the base of Burundian troops in south Mogadishu. Five civilians were killed by mortars in Mogadishu’s central Bakara market. A Shabaab firing squad executed two alleged “CIA spies” before hundreds of witnesses in northern Mogadishu™s Maslah market. The seaport […]


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps tested the Shahab-3 and Sejil missiles in the third phase of a two-day exercise called The Great Prophet IV. The US will seek harsher economic sanctions against Iran. Iran’s attempts at power projection in Senegal, Venezuela, and Nicaragua are off to a shaky start.


Islamic terrorists shot and killed a Muslim army sergeant and his wife as they traveled home from work on a motorcycle in Yala province. A Muslim defense volunteer was also killed when a bomb exploded near a mosque in Yala province.

US expanding air war into Quetta?

Members of the pro-Taliban Jamiat ulema-i-Islam party protest in Quetta on Thursday, May 28, 2009, against the military offensive against Taliban in Swat. AP Photo. According to the Telegraph, the US has threatened to expand the airstrike campaign to include the Quetta Shura, the Afghan Taliban’s governing council led by Mullah Omar: State department and […]


Iraq frees ‘kidnap group’ members


Security forces detained 20 Taliban fighters in Swat and 10 more in Malakand. Hundreds of men joined a tribal lashkar in Swat. The death toll in yesterday’s dual suicide attacks in Peshawar and Bannu has risen to 27.


General Stanley McChrystal demands 40,000 more troops for Afghanistan

Pakistani Intel, Army, backing the Taliban in Bajaur

Farhat Taj says Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the Army are backing the Taliban against the Salarzai tribe in the Bajaur tribal agency. From The News: The tribe have collectively decided that there won’t be any Taliban on their soil. The Taliban have been driven out of the Salarzai area. The Salarzai lashkar, mostly made […]


Arabiya showed a video of Said Ali al Shihri soliciting an unknown Saudi for donations. “The bearer of this message is trusted by us,” Shihri said. The video was taken with a cell phone in a car. Shihri is a former Gitmo detainee who is now al Qaeda’s commander in Yemen.


Iraq’s president: Iran sanctions won’t work


The military tested a short-range ground-to-ground missile and a naval missile, and plans to test a long-range missile on Sept. 28. The government asked Western nations not to interfere with the IAEA. The Revolutionary Guard purchased a majority share in the country’s telecommunications company.


A suicide bomber killed three policemen in Ramadi. Al Qaeda killed a policeman in Mosul and has threatened an economic blockade in a neighborhood in Mosul. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and four more in Jalawlaa, and six suspected members of a car bomb cell in Ramadi.


Three Coalition soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan and three French troops were killed in Kapisa province. The Taliban killed four civilians during an assassination attempt against Energy Minister Ismail Khan; three more were killed in an IED attack in Farah. Afghan and Coalition forces killed six Taliban fighters in Kunduz and detained several more […]

Al Qaeda

NATO’s trouble in Afghanistan gives courage to Al Qaeda, Taliban


Shabaab plans to launch suicide attacks using small planes against Somali government and AU bases in Mogadishu. The group has withdrawn from the seaport city of Kismayo after Hizbul Islam and the Ras Kamboni Brigade poured in with armed trucks and after Hizbul™s deputy leader Sheikh Hassan Turki went to Mogadishu to discuss the situation […]