Yearly Archives: 2009

No US strikes in Baluchistan: General Kiyani

General Ashfaq Kiyani, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, has weighed in on the debate over the potential for the US air campaign against the Taliban and al Qaeda to expand into Baluchistan province, according to the Daily Times. During a meeting of the Tripartite Commission, Kiyani reportedly warned the US against conducting strikes in the […]


US aircraft killed eight Taliban fighters in attacks in North and South Waziristan. General Kiyani said the US would not be permitted to conduct Predator strikes in Baluchistan, while Ambassador Patterson identified the region as a primary threat. Security forces detained more than 200 Taliban fighters in Dir and 43 more in Swat.


Insurgents killed a political leader in a bombing in Mosul. Iraq security forces killed a suicide car bomber in Baghdad and detained 22 wanted men in Basrah, three insurgents in Maysan, and two al Qaeda operatives in Mosul. Police captured one of the al Qaeda escapees from a prison in Tikrit; seven are still at […]


The Taliban killed 30 civilians and wounded 39 more in an IED attack on a bus in Kandahar. Coalition and Afghan troops killed more than 40 Taliban fighters during clashes in Farah, three Taliban fighters in Kapisa, and a Taliban commander in Kunduz; and detained an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan operative in Takhar.


Iran put nuclear site near base in case of attack


Two US sailors and a Philippine Marine were killed in an IED attack that destroyed their vehicle as they traveled on the southern Island of Jolo. The sailors were from the Naval Construction Battalions and were on a resupply mission for a school construction project. Abu Sayyaf was blamed for conducting teh attack.


Islamic insurgents broke into a house in Pattani province, killing two men. Also in Pattani, the body of a Muslim man was discovered floating in a river. In Narathiwat province, a former local official and his nephew were killed by gunmen on motorcycles.


Iran’s Foreign Ministry maintained that yesterday’s missile tests were part of routine, long-planned military exercises. Tehran urged global disarmament days before diplomatic talks. The US is aiming for additional sanctions if the Oct. 1 talks fail.


On Dashami, Jammu housewife kills jihadi with axe


A suicide bomber killed a tribal leader and three bodyguards in Bannu. The Taliban and the military clashed in North Waziristan. A lashkar killed 10 Taliban fighters in Swat. The military killed six more in Arakzai; four Levies personnel were captured and one was killed. The government transferred two al Qaeda operatives to Saudi authorities.

The Najibullah Zazi detention memo and his use of explosives

On Sept. 24, the government submitted a memorandum of law supporting its motion for a permanent order of detention against Najibullah Zazi pending the outcome of his trial. The memorandum contends that Zazi should be detained because he poses a flight risk and a danger to the community. The memorandum represents the government’s most complete […]


Pakistan – Quetta shura does not exist: Rehman Malik

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, eulogized former Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud on a videotape produced by As Sahab and released on jihadi forums. Zawahiri said Baitullah challenged the Pakistani state and exposed the Pakistani Army as being a corrupt and un-Islamic institution.


Insurgents killed three soldiers and two policemen in a series of bombings in Baghdad and Mosul. A suicide bomber killed four people in Ramadi. Two insurgents were killed in a premature detonation in Tal Afar. Security forces detained 15 police for suspicion in a bombing in Diwaniyah, seven wanted men in Basrah, a Special Groups […]


NATO chief to US: Not running from Afghan fight


More Shiite militants freed by US in Iraq

Helmand and the Taliban

Over at the Institute for the Study of War, Jeffrey Dressler published a good overview of the situation in Helmand province. The report is well worth the read. This section highlights the foreign fighter [al Qaeda] involvement in Helmand. For those thinking that al Qaeda wouldn’t be welcome in Afghanistan if the Taliban took control […]