Yearly Archives: 2009


Eight civilians were accidentally killed in a NATO airstrike in Helmand province. The Taliban killed two civilians in a wedding party in Paktika and wounded two more, and wounded three civilians in Khost. US and Afghan forces “detained and killed several suspected Taliban militants” in Kandahar, Logar, and Ghazni. Germany said it would speed up […]


Shabaab attacked Hizbul Islam in the seaport of Kismayo city at dawn. At least 25 people have been killed and thousands of civilians fled the area. Shabaab was assisted by foreign fighters, residents said. A convoy of armed trucks led by Sheikh Hassan “Turki,” deputy commander of Hizbul Islam, left Mogadishu to reinforce Hizbul fighters.


Tehran meets with the US and its allies for nuclear talks today in Geneva. President Ahmadinejad said regional cooperation will ensure Iran’s national security. The chief energy commissioner said Iran will not import gasoline from Venezuela.


Iran ‘on the wrong side of the law,’ IAEA chief says


Black Watch soldiers destroy Taliban stronghold in dramatic raid

‘A thin distance separated Lashkar and the ISI’

While Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency refuses to admit it backs the radical, al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Taiba, US intelligence officials and even Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives beg to differ. From a report in The New York Times on Lashkar-e-Taiba and its attack on Mumbai, India: But a senior American intelligence official said the ISI was believed to maintain ties […]


A US strike in North Waziristan killed nine Haqqani Network and al Qaeda operatives. Twelve Taliban fighters surrendered and four more were detained in Swat. The Taliban murdered a man who sheltered a Chinese engineer. The Mahmood tribe in Bajaur was ordered to turn over Taliban fighters or face an offensive. A Taliban commander denied […]


General Odierno said the US may accelerate the withdrawal of US forces. One Iraqi was killed and 18 more were wounded in three separate bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained 47 suspected insurgents in Kirkuk and nine more in Daqouq. A judge ordered the release of 36 MEK members.


Gen. Odierno says troop reductions in Iraq may quicken

Former Gitmo detainee killed in shootout

A former Guantanamo detainee named Fahd Saleh Suleiman al Jutayli has reportedly been killed in a shootout in Yemen. Prior to his repatriation to Saudi Arabia, Jutayli was accused of having fought at Tora Bora.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 22 Taliban fighters, wounded 25, and detained 15 more in Farah province. Police detained the shadow governor for Bamyan province. A Taliban suicide bomber killed a US soldier during an attack on a military convoy in Khost province.


Hakeemullah’s brother killed in US drone attack in Pakistan


Iraqi Air Force assumes control of C-130 operations


Shabaab declared war on Hizbul Islam for control of the port of Kismayo town. “We will fight al Shabaab everywhere in Somalia if they so much as fire a pistol in Kismayu,” Sheikh Ismail Adow, spokesman for Hizbul’s executive council, said. Twelve civilians were killed after AMISOM troops and Somali insurgents exchanged mortar fire. The […]


President Ahmadinejad voiced his concern about the UN chief’s “biased” remarks on Tehran’s nuclear work and urged him to take the IAEA’s opinion into account. The IAEA reported that no radioactive material has been transferred to Iran’s new enrichment plant in Qom. The IAEA made plans to discuss a timetable for an inspection of the […]