Yearly Archives: 2009


The Iraqi government said 203 people were killed during September, the lowest total since the US invasion in 2003. Security forces killed an insurgent in Mosul and detained 45 wanted men in Basrah and IED cell members in Baghdad and Kirkuk. A US soldier was killed in a mortar attack in Baghdad.

Bring in the Turks: Why Turkey’s presence is needed in Geneva

Iran’s nuclear facility in the mountains near Qom. A new round of diplomatic concessions has come out of the negotiations yesterday between the United Nations’ five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The biggest news coming out of Geneva is that Iran has agreed to open […]


Pakistani Taliban commanders vow to carryout out suicide attacks


Three thousand US troops will rotate to the Philippines for training and humanitarian support missions next week, sparking fears that US forces may be deployed to Sulu province in the wake of the deaths of two US soldiers. Despite an ongoing truce, MILF gunmen attacked and killed two farmers in North Cotabato.

A new Waziristan offensive?

According to Dawn, the Pakistani military has decided it can no longer wait to take on the Taliban in Waziristan: After fighting brief skirmishes against militants, the Pakistan Army plans to unfold in the next few days what military officials characterize as the mother of all battles in South Waziristan, senior military and security officials […]


Senior Shabaab and Hizbul Islam leaders were killed during yesterday’s heavy fighting in Kismayo, including the commander of Anole fighters, Ali Said, and Shabaab™s top commander for the Jubba regions, Aden Dhagoweyne. A Hizbul Islam convoy of battle wagons led by former governor Sheik Abdirahman Ibrahim Ma’ow regained control of Beledweyne and imposed a curfew. […]


Tehran agreed to open the enrichment site in Qom to IAEA inspections and also agreed to send enriched uranium to Russia. Nuclear talks will continue throughout the month of October. The US threatened to increase sanctions if the agreement is not kept. General McChrystal said Iran is having a a positive influence in Afghanistan.


The Taliban killed a British soldier in an IED attack near Camp Bastion in central Helmand province and a US soldier during a gunfight in eastern Afghanistan. The Taliban also kidnapped de-miners in Herat and destroyed 13 vehicles in Kunar and two fuel tankers in Kunduz.

White House considers narrower war effort in Afghanistan


Suicide bomber recruiter Syaifudin Zuhri bin Ahmad Jaelani, Jemaah Islamiyah military leader Zulkarnaen, bomb specialist Dulmatin, and operative Mohamad Syahrir are thought to be the prime contenders to replace Noordin Mohammed Top as the leader of the Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia. Top, who was killed by police on Sept. 17, is thought to have been sodomized […]


Tahir Yuldashev, the emir of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, is thought to have been killed in an August airstrike in South Waziristan. Eighty percent of Pakistanis do not support the US war against al Qaeda and the Taliban. Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Khyber. Two Taliban fighters were killed in […]

Mustafa Abu Yazid eulogizes Baitullah

As Sahab, al Qaeda’s propaganda wing, has released a tape of Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan, eulogizing Baitullah Mehsud, the former leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. The video is 8:22 long, and unfortunately does not have English subtitles. One part, from a partial transcript, stands out. Yazid notes […]


Pakistan ready to move Taliban fight to group™s stronghold

Turf war in Kismayo

Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are acting quickly to curb the internecine war between their fighters in the port town of Kismayo in southern Somalia. At least 30 people have been killed in more than five hours of fighting after Shabaab launched a predawn raid against Hizbul Islam-held neighborhoods in the northern part of the city. […]


Why would the Pentagon worry about improved success of Predator airstrikes in Pakistan?


Insurgents killed three Iraqi soldiers in Mahmoudiyah, a policeman in Tal Afar, and two civilians in Baghdad. Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Basrah, 12 in Baqubah, eight more in Daqouq, and a Hezbollah Brigades leader in Sadr City.


Police in Dhaka detained the top leader of the Lashkar-e-Taiba in Bangladesh. Emdadullah, who is also known as Mahbub, entered the country in 2006 and has been responsible for overseeing the terror group’s movement across the border into India and has smuggled explosives into India.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s leader in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu Yazid, eulogized former Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US airstrike on Aug. 5, 2009. The eight-minute tape was released by As Sahab, al Qaeda’s propaganda arm.