Yearly Archives: 2009

72 hours in South Thailand


Somali American terror recruits seen posing threat to US


Top Shabaab leaders Sheikh Ahmed Abdi Godane and Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur met with Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys in Afgoye town to discuss the recent fighting in Kismayo. Shabaab gunmen on a reconnaissance mission clashed with Hizbul™s fighters in the outskirts of Kismayo. Shabaab commander Sheikh Ali Mohamoud Rage imposed new […]

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahri said al Qaeda would attack the US for handing Ali Mohamed Abdelaziz al Fakhiri to the Lybian government. Fakhiri was turned over to Libya in 2006 and committed suicide in 2008. Zawahiri accused the Libyan government of torturing and murdering Fakhiri.


Insurgents killed two policemen and wounded 11 more in bombings and attacks in Baghdad and Dhi Qhar. Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Basrah and three more in Amarah, and eight insurgents in Kirkuk. The Ninewa Operations Command said an insurgent commander and 12 fighters were detained during a new operation in Mosul.


Eight US troops, seven Afghan security personnel, and several Taliban fighters were killed during a Taliban assault on two joint outposts in Nuristan; a district police chief and 13 policemen were captured. US and Afghan forces detained several Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia and Wardak provinces and destroyed a heroin lab in in […]


Pakistan Army orders inquiry into Internet beating clip


A UN report indicates that Iran has “sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable” nuclear weapon. Sixty-one percent of Americans support using force to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. A report indicates that President Ahmedinejad’s parents were Iranian Jews.


Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Bajaur and detained 20 in Karachi and 12 more in Swat. The Taliban killed a tribal leader in Bajaur and wounded six soldiers in North Waziristan. The UN said an operation in Waziristan would displace more than 170,000 civilians.


Report says Iran has data to make a nuclear bomb


Yemeni’s case shows hurdles to leaving Guantanamo


Sister told to prove Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is Pakistani

United Kingdom

Senior British judges have ruled that unduly long sentences for terrorists are “likely to inflame rather than deter extremism.” The rule has sparked the early release of some convicted terrorists, while 25 of 26 terrorists have had their sentences reduced.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom – Army chief warns of ‘terrifying prospect’ of failure in Afghanistan

Taliban assassinate Bajaur tribal leader

Malik Abdul Majeed was gunned down while driving to meet with Pakistani officials about ejecting the Taliban from the Mamond region. Majeed is the tenth tribal leader to be assassinated in 10 days.


Iraqi troops arrested 140 suspected al Qaeda fighters and Ba’athists during a four-day sweep in Diyala province. Police arrested five Sunni insurgents and a Hezbollah Brigade member during raids in Kirikuk, Baghdad, and Mosul, and a Mahid Army cell leader in Ninewa. Insurgents killed a policeman and a civilian in Mosul.


Five US soldiers were killed during three separate attacks in southern and eastern Afghanistan and four Finnish soldiers were wounded near Mazar-i-Sharif. Two of the US troops were killed by an Afghan policeman. Coalition and Afghan security forces killed “several” suspected Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika and detained a Taliban commander in Nangarhar province.


Shabaab fighters pursued and attacked the remnants of Hizbul Islam forces that were routed and fled Kismayo. Preeminent Hizbul Islam leader and former government official Sheikh Aden Abdisalam Abdi was shot and killed in Beledweyne. The anti-Shabaab Islamist organization Ahlu Sunna Waljama conducted security operations in Galkayo. Gunmen released three foreigners who were seized for […]


Pakistan’s army to target tribal stronghold as Taliban and al Qaeda weakened

Hakeemullah Mehsud’s death is unconfirmed

Taliban commander Hakeemullah Mehsud at a press conference in Peshawar in 2008. Reuters is reporting that the news leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan may be dead. According to unnamed US intelligence officials, Hakeemullah Mehsud may have been killed during a clash with a rival Taliban group several weeks ago. From Reuters: […]


US intelligence sources said Hakeemullah Mehsud may be dead. Prime minister Gilani claimed more than 3,000 Taliban have surrendered in Swat. Security forces killed 27 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and detained 12 Taliban fighters in Bajaur.. Two policemen were killed in Mardan.

Avenger of the skies: new wave of drones takes off