Yearly Archives: 2009


The Army killed one of the 21 most-wanted Taliban leaders in Swat. The operation in South Waziristan is expected to be launched in mid-October. The World Food Program suspended operations in the wake of the suicide attack on its headquarters in Islamabad. The military expects a tough fight in South Waziristan.


Indian soldiers killed seven terrorists in separate clashes in Kashmir, including four Lashkar-e-Taiba fighters in Kupwara. Indian intelligence said the Pakistani military is sending captive Taliban fighters from Swat to fight in Kashmir.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban: together again

The Taliban have released a clever piece of disinformation today, which clearly is aimed at US policymakers as well as the American public as the Obama administration decides on a new path forward in Afghanistan. In this latest statement, the Taliban are claiming they have no aspirations to be involved in the global jihad. From […]


Uganda freed Somalia’s State Minister for Defence Indha™adde a day after he was bundled into an unmarked car and questioned by security officials in Kampala. Shabaab threatened the medical staff of Medina hospital in Mogadishu, warning them against helping “apostate soldiers.” Two Shabaab fighters were killed in northern Mogadishu. The head of political affairs for […]

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya al Libi, al Qaeda’s leading ideologue and propagandist, has called for a jihad against China. “Today, a new massacre is being carried out by Buddhist nationalists and communists against the Muslim population in eastern Turkestan,” al Libi said in a videotape released on jihadi websites.


A suicide bomber killed nine Iraqis and wounded 30 more in Fallujah. Insurgents killed two civilians in a grenade attack in Baghdad. Security forces detained five al Qaeda operatives during raids in the Hamrin Mountains and Kirkuk, and detained seven insurgents near Huwaiyja.


Two Taliban fighters and three civilians were killed in bombings in Paktika and Zabul provinces. The Taliban killed two more civilians and wounded 25 more in a rocket attack in Ghazni province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and captured an unspecified number of Taliban fighters during operations in Kabul, Wardak, Helmand and Khost provinces, and […]


Police in Berlin launched raids on 26 buildings and locations in search of three Islamist extremists connected to a 15-man cell thought to be plotting attacks in Russia. “Based on information from abroad and international police investigations, there was reason to suspect that an Islamist of Arabic descent living in Berlin, as the head of […]


A group called Tawheed Intiative for Good Governance and Accountability (TIGA) has accused the Nigerian government of endorsing the mass killing of innocent men, women and children during the Boko Haram crisis. TIGA charged Umaru Musa Yar™Adua’s of avoiding a peaceful conclusion to the crisis and supporting the mass murder of civilians by ordering authorities […]


Increasing use of face veil worries Egyptian government

Geneva talks spur regional diplomacy

In my last post I addressed the issue of Turkish involvement in the bilateral negotiations between the UN’s P5+1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In order to get a fuller picture of the geopolitical implications of these talks, it would be wise to take a look at some important regional developments: Israel A recent […]


US lawmakers are ready to impose additional sanctions if Tehran does not cooperate. Secretary of Defense Gates hinted at the existence of more secret nuclear sites. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned Iranians not to believe enemies’ efforts to downplay last summer’s election result.

Al Qaeda’s Shadow Army makes the news

Eight months after The Long War Journal broke the news on the existence of al Qaeda’s paramilitary Shadow Army, or the Lashkar al Zil, the Associated Press picked up on the role the terror army plays in Afghanistan, and mentioned the Lashkar al Zil by name. In an article titled “Al-Qaida showing smaller presence in […]


With UN bombing, Pakistani Taliban attempts a comeback

Philippine military casualities increasing in Sulu

Anbar sheiks ‘feel deep sense of abandonment’

US Marines escort Fallujan sheiks to a meeting in January 2007. Photo courtesy of Captain Jason Brezler. This article on US disengagement from Anbar by Anthony Shadid is interesting and informative, if one views the generously applied “grand theme” in context. In Shadid’s presentation, a reader might shake his head at the idea that the […]


The Pakistani Air Force killed six Taliban fighters during strikes in South Waziristan. Security forces arrested 10 Taliban fighters in Swat while 17 more surrendered in Swat and Dir. The Taliban killed a member of a “peace committee” in Hangu and injured three people in a rocket attack in Peshawar.


Go to jail or join jihad against India: ISI tells surrendered Taliban


One terrorist was killed while attempting to plant a bomb in Ramadi. Security forces detained 46 wanted men in Dhi Qhar and 22 more in Basrah; six al Qaeda operatives in western Iraq; an IED cell leader, an ISI leader, and four operatives in Tarmiyah and Tuz Khurmatu; and three insurgents in Daqouq.