Yearly Archives: 2009


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps bought an $8 billion share in the state-run media. Muhammad-Reza Ali-Zamani received a death sentence for his role in the June 12 election demonstrations. An IRGC member said Iran would “blow up the heart of Israel” if attacked by “American or Zionist missiles.” Secretary of State Clinton will discuss Iran and […]

Nuristan base nearly destroyed in Taliban attack

Photo from March 2008: Afghan national army soldiers and Marine embedded tactical trainers struggle up the last part of a patrol from Forward Operating Base Keating to Combat Outpost Warheit in Nuristan province, Afghanistan, March 2. The patrol originated on the valley floor and ended near the top of the mountain. Photo by Staff Sergeant […]


Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters in Swat and two more in South Waziristan; the bodies 15 Taliban fighters were found in Swat. One soldier and two Taliban fighters were killed in a clash in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed a soldier in Bajaur and launched three rockets at Peshawar.

US says Sharia Law is misunderstood


CIA knew about Iran’s secret nuclear site for three years

Marines accomplish the mission in Anbar

Marine Staff Sergeant Niceforo “Joker” Mendoza leads a section of Amtraks on an IED hunt/route clearance mission between Abu Ghraib and Habbaniyah in January 2007. Photo by Bill Ardolino. A heartening Op-Ed by James Soriano in The New York Times proclaims “Mission Accomplished in Anbar,” marking “the formal end of the presence of U.S. Marine […]


“Insurgency groups are planning to use ambulances, police vehicles and tankers for suicide attacks on the government and AMISOM bases,” Mogadishu police warned. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed outside Kismayo after they agreed on a truce. A heavily armed convoy of Hizbul Islam left Mogadishu en route to Kismayo using the main road controlled by […]


French police have arrested two Algerian nationals in the southeastern town of Vienne. The men are suspected of having links to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The two arrested Algerian nationals are brothers.

Report: Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 17 Afghans and wounded more than 80 in an attack outside the Indian embassy in Kabul. US and Afghan troops killed 17 Taliban fighters in Helmand, 10 in Paktika, and one more in Zabul. The Taliban killed a Spanish soldier in western Afghanistan.


Tehran warned against potential gasoline sanctions and said the country can break any embargo. A reformist website reported that an Iranian protester received a death sentence. Tehran sees a US role in an Iranian nuclear researcher’s disappearance.

North Africa

Dozens of Tuareg rebels have accepted an amnesty deal with the governments of Mali and Niger, including the rebels’ leaders. The peace ceremony was conducted in Libya where Muammar Al Gaddafi and Algerian mediators arbitrated the negotiations. The Tuareg rebellion has been ongoing since 2007, with rebels aspiring for greater economic development in the Sahel. […]


A car bomb exploded outside a hotel in Narathiwat province, wounding at least 27 people and killing a Muslim woman. On Tuesday, another bomb attack in Pattani province wounded seven security volunteers. Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will travel to southern Thailand next week in response to the dramatic recent spike in violence.