Yearly Archives: 2009


Pak’s great game: Evict India from Afghanistan through terror


A gunbattle erupted in the Sahara desert in southern Algeria early Friday morning after Algerian security forces engaged several vehicles carrying armed fighters. Ten suspected Islamists and three Algerian security personal were reported killed. Security forces seized large quantities of weapons and medicine. Further clashes between Islamists and security forces have been reported.


Iraqi and US forces arrested a senior al Qaeda leader near Daqouq and five members of a Naqshabandi media cell in Salahadin. Iraqi forces detained five wanted men in Basra and one more in Kirkuk. Insurgents wounded three civilians in a bombing in Babil.


Indonesian police raided a house in the southern outskirts of Jakarta, killing two members of the Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia and discovering several small bombs. Killed were Syaifudin Djaelani and his brother, Mohamad Syahrir, who were suspected of recruiting the suicide bombers who bombed the Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta on July 17.

MILF seeks resumption of stalled peace talks


Afghan and Coalition forces killed six Taliban fighters in Wardak province and detained seven more in Kunduz. Fifty Taliban fighters in Kunduz joined the government. The Taliban killed two Polish soldiers and one US soldier in IED attacks in southern and eastern Afghanistan, and killed an Afghan Army officer in Kunduz. An ISAF UAV crashed […]


Thousands of people were forced to watch as Shabaab masked men amputated a foot and a hand from each of two youths alleged to have robbed a car in Kismayo. Daud Mohamed Garane, the Chairman of Shabaab in Gedo region, warned Kenya to stop sending recruits to Somalia. “We can raid big Kenyan towns such […]


Al Qaeda finds a foothold amid Yemen™s poverty, fighting and corruption


Seeking consensus in Iraq™s divided North


Shabaab amputate hands and feet of criminals in Kismayo

Pakistan releases pro-Taliban official

Wanted flyer for Swat Taliban leaders. A Pakistani court has ordered the release of Syed Muhammad Javed, the pro-Taliban commissioner of the Malakand Division, the region that encompasses the Swat Valley. Javed openly aided the rise of the Taliban in Swat after being appointed commissioner in February. He openly facilitated the Taliban takeover of neighboring […]


A suicide bomber killed 49 Pakistanis and wounded more than 100 in an attack in Peshawar. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Darra Adam Khel, and eight Taliban fighters and two Uzbeks in Swat and North Waziristan. The Taliban wounded four soldiers in a rocket attack in North Waziristan and torched a NATO fuel […]


Insurgents killed three Iraqis in Al Qasr Al Awsat, two policemen in Saadiya, and an Imam in Saqlawiyah. Security forces detained two wanted explosives-network facilitators and three additional suspects during raids in central and northern Iraq, and two gunmen in Dalouiya.

Indonesia assures support for peace process in Philippines

Somali minister aided Shabaab suicide attack

State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is better known as Indha’adde, sold intelligence to Shabaab that allowed the terror group to conduct a suicide attack that killed the deputy AMISOM commander and 20 others.


Sheikh Ahmed Abdurahamn Odawa, the highest-ranking military commander of Hizbul Islam, who is also known as “Taliban,” was killed with his two bodyguards in Ealasha Biyaha village south of Mogadishu. Ethiopian intelligence agents raided a Galkayo house overnight Wednesday, wounding at least two Somali men inside and capturing another. Three people were killed after Hizbul […]


The older brother of the two Algerian brothers arrested in Vienne in southeastern France is a physicist for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. CERN is best known for its building of the particle collider that aims to recreate the conditions of the “Big Bang.” The brothers were in contact with Al […]

US pulls out of two Nuristan outposts, hands Taliban propaganda victory

Six days after the deadly battle in the Kamdish district in Nuristan, the US military has withdrawn from the two combat outposts that were attacked. From an ISAF press release: ISAF forces have completed their repositioning from two combat outposts (Combat Outposts Keating and Fritsche) in Kamdesh district, Nuristan province, to other areas in eastern […]


US and Afghan forces killed a Taliban commander and 19 fighters in Herat province and 24 other Taliban fighters in clashes in Kunar, Wardak, and Ghazni. The Taliban killed six Afghans in a suicide attack in Paktika province and a British soldier in southern Afghanistan. The US withdrew from two combat outposts in Nuristan.