Yearly Archives: 2009


Security forces detained four members of IED cells in Kirkuk, Baghdad, and Mosul; three al Qaeda cell members in Baghdad and Salahadin; an Islamic State of Iraq leader in Mosul; a senior al Qaeda leader in Ninewa; and an escaped al Qaeda prisoner in Kirkuk. One civilian was killed and three more were wounded in […]


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 22 Taliban fighters in Zabul province. Afghan troops killed a Taliban commander and detained three more in Takhar province. Police freed four health workers who were held hostage in Sar-i-Pul province. Australia will not send additional forces to Afghanistan.


US and NATO officials claimed that Italian intelligence bribed Taliban commanders in Afghanistan’s Kapisa province to not attack their forces, but did not inform NATO allies. The Taliban then attacked French forces in Sarobi after the French took control of the sector in 2008. Italy’s prime minister and defense minister denied the charges.


China’s premier hailed his nation’s cooperation with Iran. Russia’s premier said it is “too early” to speak of more sanctions. The US House passed legislation allowing state and local governments to divest from companies doing business in Iran.


Al Qaeda publicly cements ties to the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan


Libya freed 45 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 43 members of other Jihadist groups as part of a deal under which the fighters and the groups denounce violence. The release was made possible through the efforts of a charity run by Saif al Islam, the son of and successor to Muammar Gaddafi.


Six of seven suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members arrested by the Mauritanian army were released from custody. The suspects were arrested while traveling armed in trucks in the Sahara desert in the eastern portion of the country. The remaining suspect in custody is a Mauritanian businessman.

Who is Colonel Imam?

Colonel Imam. Photo from the Irish Times. Pakistan’s The News provides a [likely unintentional] humorous rebuttal to Hamid Mir’s report that Ilyas Kashmiri was a member of the Special Services Group, Pakistan’s elite commandos. This is with reference to Hamid Mir’s report (Sept 20) titled “How an ex-commando became a terrorist”. It is total disinformation […]


A US airstrike killed four members of the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan. The Pakistani military killed 17 Taliban fighters and an unknown number of civilians during air and artillery strikes in South Waziristan. Pakistani troops and a tribal lashkar drove the Taliban from a region in Bajaur.

United States

Mustafa Abu Yazid, the chief of al Qaeda in Afghanistan, reportedly had been in contact with Najibullah Zazi, the Afghan who has been arrested for plotting to conduct backpack bomb attacks in the United States. The two communicated through an intermediary. Zazi was recruited by al Qaeda and trained in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

The Taliban

Hakeemullah Mehsud, the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, said his fighters would array against India if operations in the tribal areas ended. “We are fighting the Pakistan army, police and the frontier corps, because they are following American orders. If they stop following their orders, we will stop fighting them […]

Al Qaeda

In a videotape released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri said that Pakistan’s Army serves the US and NATO and is attempting to stave off their defeat in Afghanistan. Zawahiri said the Pakistani Army “has completely become a tool for the crusaders against its own public, neighbouring countries and the Islamic world.”


The Philippine military has set up cordons on Mindanao island and dispatched four naval vessels to the surrounding waters to search for the Abu Sayyaf kidnappers of Father Michael Sinnot. Father Sinnot, an Irish priest, has been serving the people of the Philippines for over 40 years until he was abducted on Sunday.


Seven Iraqis were killed and 14 were wounded in an armed attack in Baghdad. Two Iraqis were killed and 42 were wounded in bombings in Karbala. Security forces detained three insurgents in Sinjar. Six soldiers were released from duty for failure to prevent an armed robbery.


Two men of Afghani and Turkish descent have been sentenced in a Frankfurt state court to serve time in prison for supporting a terrorist group. The two men were found guilty of financially supporting Islamic Jihad Union, an offshoot of the Jihadist Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Their funding was linked to Adern Yilmaz, whose plans […]


Sixty-eight Taliban fighters surrendered to the government in Herat. US and Afghan troops killed 11 Taliban fighters in Ghazni and a commander in Zabul. Taliban fighters chopped off a man’s hand and foot in Herat. Afghan police seized 860 Iranian-made landmines during raids in the North. Britain will send an additional 500 troops.

Asia Times interviews al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri

Ilyas Kashmiri, the leader of the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and al Qaeda’s Brigade 313. The Asia Times‘ Syed Saleem Shahzad has published his interview with Ilyas Kashmiri, a senior al Qaeda leader and longtime Pakistani jihadi with strong ties to Pakistan’s military and intelligence services who was thought to have been killed in a US airstrike in […]


The US called for Chinese support on curbing Iran’s nuclear program. The Russian foreign minister said that the threat of new sanctions on Iran will not work. A senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander said that the Iran is “invincible.”


‘Embarrassing’ incident in Gulf of Suez: German ship transporting arms for Iran

Albanian Imam charged with inciting jihad


US wants bunker-buster fast, denies Iran is reason