Yearly Archives: 2009


Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that sporadic conflicts in eastern parts of the country are caused by foreign agents. Mottaki further stated that Iran will never abandon its “legal and obvious right to nuclear power.” Tehran is wary of the French presence at nuclear talks with the IAEA.


Four Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters were killed and another was captured in the conservative northern region of Tajikistan known as Ferghana Valley. One security officer was injured during a three-hour raid on a house in which militants were hiding. The men had been wanted since 2006 on suspicion of previous assassinations, including the killing […]


Gates: White House decision should not wait for perfection in Afghanistan

Pakistan deals with ‘good’ Taliban

South Waziristan Taliban leader Mullah Nazir. Click to view. While it was clear more than a week ago that the Pakistani Army had sidelined South Taliban commander Mullah Nazir and was in the process of dealing with North Waziristan warlord Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Pakistani intelligence officers and even the top military spokesman have confirmed that […]

Saudi Arabia

Youssef al Shihri, one of the two al Qaeda operatives killed in a shootout with police near the Yemeni border, was a former detainee at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Al Shihri was on a list of the Kingdom™s 85 most wanted terrorists and recently contacted his family to have them pass along information of […]


Abu Sayyaf terrorists abducted the principal of an elementary school in Sulu province as he was driving home with fellow school teachers. Gabriel Canizares, 36, was the only person abducted from the vehicle. The military is still searching for Father Michael Sinnot, who was abducted by Abu Sayyaf a week ago.


A bomb hidden in a motorcycle exploded at a crowded market in Yala, wounding 3 soldiers on security duty and 21 civilians who were shopping for food. Violence in the southern provinces continues despite the deployment of 30,000 troops and thousands of security volunteers to the region.


The military said 18 more Taliban fighters have been killed in South Waziristan, making the total 78 killed since the operation began on Oct. 18; two soldiers were also killed. Security forces killed 24 Taliban fighters and four children in Bajaur, Mohmand, and Arakzai. Police arrested a Taliban leader and three fighters in Karachi.


Israel installed spy devices after 2006 war: Hezbollah


Yemen rebels say Saudi troops fired on border town


Iran: Pakistan offers full cooperation in southeast bombing probe


Insurgents killed six Iraqis in a bombing at a coffeehouse in Baghdad and a tribal affairs chief in Ninewa. Security forces killed a gunman in Mosul, and detained 25 wanted men in in Mosul, Kirkuk, and Basrah, and an Iranian Qods Force officer in Basrah.


Afghanistan: ‘Deadlock’ as Karzai digs in against fraud ruling


Shabaab claims to have used an antiaircraft missile to shoot down an unmanned aircraft in Kismayo. Shabaab ambushed a Burundian convoy in Mogadishu, destroyed a Sufi mosque and the grave of a revered Sufi cleric and dispersed an angry crowd in the Galgadud region, killed a businessman in Kismayo, and killed two businessmen in Beledweyne. […]


Pakistani Taliban: It’s a monster that cannot be put back in the cage

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commander points finger at US, Britain for suicide attack

An Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps poster. Photo from Trends Magazine. Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, is blaming the US and Britain for yesterday’s suicide attack that killed five senior IRGC commanders, including Brigadier General Nour Ali Shoushtari, the deputy commander for the IRGC’s ground forces, Brigadier Rajab […]


The UN-backed Electoral Complaints Commission said the presidential election was tainted with fraud and invalidated results from 210 polling stations. President Karzai denied the claims and said “foreign meddling” is behind the ECC’s actions. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Haqqani Network facilitator and several other associates in Khost. The Taliban killed three civilians in […]


One of the Islamists killed on Oct. 7 by Algerian security forces has been identified as Mourad Louzai, a prominent Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader. He was killed along with nine others when their convoy was intercepted during a military operation outside the town El Bayadh, about 400 miles south of Algiers.


Why Pakistan’s South Waziristan offensive won’t help US in Afghanistan


Police killed three insurgents in a shootout in Dagestan, near the border of Chechnya. In Chechnya, one insurgent was killed and two more were detained in a police operation in Achkhoi-Martan district. In Ingushetia, a car rigged with explosives and parked near a bus stop in the city of Nazran was defused by an explosive […]


Tehran claimed US and British involvement in the suicide bombing of IRGC members by Baluchi rebels. The Iranian press urged Pakistan to crack down on Sunni rebels along the shared border. The ‘P5+1’ will meet with Iran today to further talks over sending Iranian uranium abroad for enrichment; Tehran claimed it will continue to enrich […]

Taliban raise funds in Kurram and Arakzai

With the Pakistani military focusing on eliminating the Taliban in South Waziristan, the Taliban are countering by openly raising money in Arakzai, Kurram, Kohat, and Bannu. From Dawn: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan has started a fund-raising campaign in the Arakzai Agency and parts of the Kurram Agency and Hangu. Sources said the TTP men were asking tribesmen […]


Algerian authorities killed four Islamists in two separate operations this weekend. Three Islamists were killed in Tizi Ouzo province while a fourth, said to be a member of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, was killed in the coastal city of Dellys. A number of hideouts were destroyed and arms were discovered during the operations.