Yearly Archives: 2009


The military said 25 Taliban fighters were killed in South Waziristan and 15 more were killed in Mohmand. Police detained 152 suspects in Rawalpindi. The government suspended Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed’s case for another month and extended the detention of Sufi Mohammed.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has posted a message mourning the death of Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud, declaring that his loss “is a price chosen by the nation to pay willingly and with open heart in return for the watering of the tree of Islam with what it needs of blood, until it […]

United States

Three Ohio men have been sentenced in a terrorist plot aimed at US troops in Iraq. Mohammad Amawi received a 20-year sentence, Marwan El-Hindi received a 12-year sentence, and Wassim Mazloum received an eight-year sentence. Last year, the trio was found guilty on charges that they plotted to recruit and train terrorists to carry out […]


Algerian authorities have said that seven security guards working for the Canadian firm SNC-Lavalin have been killed and two injured when gunmen opened fire on them. The attack occurred at a construction site operated by the company in the Kabylie region that is known for Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb activity. No Canadians were […]


Iraq: Country tops lengthening lists of asylum seekers


Thirty people were killed and more than 70 were wounded during shelling in Mogadishu. In Kismayo, 12 were killed after Hizbul Islam attacked a Shabaab stronghold yesterday. Somali pirates hijacked a Panamanian cargo ship and threatened to kill passengers of a Chinese freighter.


Israel claimed it met with Iranian nuclear officials as part of the IAEA diplomacy effort. The IAEA said Iran and three world powers have until Friday to approve a nuclear agreement. Iran’s First Vice President, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, said that new agreements had been reached to allow Chinese investment in Iran’s energy sector.


Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah, four insurgents in Hamrin and one more south of Mosul, and a Palestinian suicide bomber as he attempted to enter Iraq from Syria. Insurgents wounded four civilians during IED attacks in Baghdad.


Two Taliban fighters were killed and three policemen were wounded during a clash in Kunduz province. Police detained two Taliban commanders and nine fighters in Baghlan. Afghan and Coalition forces detained more than a dozen Haqqani Network fighters in Khost and Paktia provinces. The Taliban killed a US soldier in an IED attack in southern […]

Taliban kill general in Islamabad attack

An emergency personnel checks an army jeep with bullet holes splattered on the windshield after it was attacked by gunmen in Islamabad. A brigadier general was killed in the attack. AP Photo. The Taliban have struck again in Islamabad, and have killed another senior Army officer. The BBC reports: A Pakistani army brigadier and his […]


A senior al Qaeda leader is thought to have been killed during a US airstrike in North Waziristan. The military said 15 Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed during fighting in South Waziristan. Security forces detained 27 Taliban fighters in Kohat, five Swat Taliban leaders and 15 fighters, and six extremists in Charsadda.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed in Kismayo. Government troops killed three civilians in Mogadishu. Shabaab shut down radio stations in Kismayo. Hizbul Islam leader Hassan Dahir Aweys said his group would continue fighting until an Islamic state is established.


Insurgents killed two women in Babil, a policeman south of Fallujah, and a cameraman and a civilian in Kirkuk. Security forces detained six wanted men in Dhi Qhar, three insurgents in Fallujah, an al Qaeda member in Al Qaim, and a car bomb cell member in Kirkuk.

Al Qaeda commander reported killed in US airstrike

Reports indicate a senior Egyptian operative may have been killed in North Waziristan. One report appears to be confusing Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s top leader in Afghanistan and chief financier, with Abu Musa al Masri, an al Qaeda commander.


A marine offficer was killed and an enlisted marine was wounded when a bomb exploded as they were inspecting a water system in Sulu province. Abu Sayyaf sabotaged the pipeline in order to lure security forces to the site. MILF claimed they are close to discovering the location of Father Michael Sinnot, who was abducted […]

Another former Gitmo detainee killed in a shootout

Former Guantanamo detainee Yousef Mohammed al Shihri was killed in an Oct. 13 shootout at a checkpoint along the Saudi-Yemeni border. He was reportedly dressed like a woman and planned to commit a suicide attack. Prior to being transferred from Guantanamo, al Shihri allegedly made it clear that he hated all Americans.


Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah ruled out forming a coalition government with Karzai and has called for a runoff election. Three Taliban fighters were killed during clashes with Afghan forces in Paktika province. A US soldier was killed in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan.

United States

Tarek Mehanna has been arrested on terrorism-related charges while trying to board a flight in Boston. In 2008, Tarek, a Muslim from Massachusetts, was arrested on charges of lying to the FBI. He, along with two co-conspirators, now faces charges of conspiring to carry out attacks on civilian targets in the United States and military […]