Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan soldiers killed 25 Taliban fighters in Badghis province. Police killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni province. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate IED attacks in southern Afghanistan.

United States

Mujahid Carswell, the son of the mosque leader killed in an FBI raid, has been arrested. Carswell has been on the run since yesterday’s raid by authorities on members of the Islamic group Ummah. He was detained in Windsor, Ontario, after Canadian authorities were put on alert that he might be trying to enter Canada […]


Iraq arrests senior officers, vows more over blasts


President Ahmadinejad hinted at cooperation with the UN over a nuclear deal, saying “we welcome cooperation on nuclear fuel, power plants, and technology, and we are ready to cooperate.” Supreme Leader Khamenei stated that the Islamic Republic is resistant to foreign meddling. Turkey urged a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear problem.


A Taliban car bomb at a market in Peshawar killed 105 Pakistanis and leveled a mosque. The military said 25 Taliban fighters were killed and an Uzbek base has been surrounded in South Waziristan and three more were killed in Mohmand. Police arrested five Lashkar-i-Jhangvi members in Karachi.

FBI kills Islamist preacher during shootout in latest terror raid

A string of raids by the FBI targeting members of a radical Islamist group calling themselves “Ummah” has ended with 10 arrests and one suspect killed in a shootout. The leader of the Detroit-based Masjid Al-Haqq mosque, Luqman Ameen Abdullah (also known as Christopher Thomas), refused to surrender and was shot and killed after exchanging […]


Five Somalis were killed during shelling in Mogadishu. The attacks appear to have targeted President Sharif as he returned from Yemen. Islamists detained 80 people in Luq for violating sharia law. Shabaab shut down an aid agency for “spying.”


Among people of S. Waziristan, doubts about offensive deepen

Osama bin Blurry

Is that Osama bin Laden? Photo from Danger Room. Did Osama bin Laden make a mysterious appearance on a video released by al Qaeda? Danger Room’s Adam Rawnsley has the scoop: This may be something. It may be nothing. But if you check out al-Qaeda’s latest video, there’s a blurry image that bears a striking […]


Insurgents killed six Iraqis and wounded 11 more in attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Jalawlaa. An Awakening leader was assassinated in Umm al-Nakhl, north of Baqubah. Security forces detained 25 wanted men in Baqubah, and 17 in Basrah, and three al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk.


Iraq: Proposals for 2010 election law go to parliament


NATO chief to discuss Afghan cooperation in Russia


Afghanistan: Karzai’s brother denies reports he was paid by CIA

United States

An Indian national living in Queens has been indicted for attempting to provide material support to Hezbollah. Patrick Nayyar and Stanisclaus Mulholland agreed to provide the terrorist group with arms and ammunition. Mulholland has been indicted but not arrested; prosecutors believe he is in Britain. Both men met with an FBI informant numerous times, whom […]


The Taliban killed 12 people, including six foreign UN staffers, in an assault on a guesthouse in Kabul. Afghan and Coalition forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in Helmand province. The Oct. 25 helicopter accident in Badghis province was ruled an accident.

Nuristan drawdown gives new life to Pakistani Taliban

Northeastern Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan. Map from the Asia Times; click to view. Asia Times reporter Syed Saleem Shahzad says that the US pullback in Nuristan has breathed new life into the Taliban in the Pakistani tribal agencies of Bajaur and Mohmand, and in the Swat Valley as well. The effective Taliban control of Nuristan […]

Islamic countries push a global ‘blasphemy’ law


Pakistan: Northwest attack ‘retaliation’ for military offensive


Tehran sought new amendments to the IAEA nuclear fuel deal. Behzad Soltani announced plans for Iran to seek nuclear fusion technology in the future. Iran and Venezuela announced plans to launch a joint oil company.