Yearly Archives: 2009


The runoff election was canceled and Hamid Karzai was declared president after rival Abdullah Abdullah dropped out of the race. The UN has welcomed the move and said the world body will remain in country. Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters in Paktia and eight more in Kunduz.

Blaming the bogeymen in Baghdad

Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. Joel Wing critiques the Iraqi government’s response to the recent catastrophic attacks: In August, Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki tried to defer blame and distract public opinion from a domestic security failure by turning it into an international event. This time, the Iraqi government’s response was better at first. That […]


Tehran wants the IAEA to form a panel to review the plan to send nuclear fuel abroad. Two allies of opposition leader Karoubi were freed on bail. Iranian police made plans to confront illegal protests on the 30th anniversary of the US embassy seizure.


Nine Taliban fighters and two soldiers have been killed during fighting in South Waziristan; the military said Makeen and Sararogha are now surrounded while troops have cleared half of Kanigoram. The Taliban killed two people in a mortar attack in Khyber.


Pakistan™s ‘desperate™ Uzbek fighters far from home

United States

Smaller-scale terrorism plots pose new and worrisome threats, officials say


Iran to appoint clerics in all schools: Report


Muslim insurgents shot and killed a teenage woman in Yala province; after the shooting, a bomb exploded at the scene, wounding three police officers. Also at a rice farm in Yala, police found the body of a man handcuffed and executed. General Chavilit, a former Prime Minister, will visit the troubled southern regions to draft […]


Two IEDs killed five military officers in the autonomous northern region of Somaliland, including an infantry division commander. Shabaab has for the first time threatened to attack Israel during a public rally in Mogadishu (video). Government is massing troops to retake the city of Beledweyne. A fishing vessel with 23 Russians on board was captured […]

US moves on domestic jihadis

Luqman-Ameen-Abdullah.jpgA high number of terrorist plots have been disrupted in the US this year. Several of the Islamists who have been detained have been traced back to Pakistan’s tribal areas.


Terrorists killed five civilians in a bike bomb in Hillah, two more in a car bombing in Mosul, and a woman in a bombing at a checkpoint in Karbala. Security forces detained six insurgents in Jalawlaa, four wanted men near Al Kut, and a Jaish al Rashideen member in Kirkuk.


Abdullah Abdullah has decided to drop out of the runoff presidential election scheduled for Nov. 7. The Independent Election Commission said the election will be held regardless of Abdullah’s decision. One Taliban fighter was killed and seven civilians were wounded during clashes in Kapisa province, and “several” Haqqani Network fighters were detained in Khost province.


Senior Iran reformer freed on bail: report

FBI ‘murdered’ radical Detroit imam, according to AP

Luqman Ameen Abdullah. Photo from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Fox News. According to the Associated Press, the FBI “murdered” Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the leader of a mosque in Detroit and a radical sect called Ummah during a raid on a warehouse. On Oct. 30 The Associated Press published an article, titled “Murdered Imam’s […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Mauritania security forces have allegedly found a written statement from Mokhtar Belmokhtar with his signature when arresting a terror suspect in Attar, eastern Mauritania. It calls for fighters who are willing to die for God through suicide bombings and combat. “Mauritania has decided to engage in a war against Islam and Muslims by getting closer to […]

6 Guantanamo detainees resettle in Palau