Yearly Archives: 2009


Israeli defense officials said the Israeli Navy intercepted and captured a ship transporting weapons bound for Hezbollah and Syria. The ship carried “hundreds of tons of weaponry, ten times the size of the Karine A shipment of 2002,” and originated from Iran.

Uranium centrifuges and uranium bombs

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad tours a centrifuge facility. Iran reports having thousands of centrifuges spinning away to make fuel for their upcoming power reactors. Others think that Iran has it in mind to make weapons material using those same centrifuges. In fact, Iran could divert just 1% of its centrifuge production and have enough weapons-grade […]

Pakistan’s attempt to blame India for Taliban attacks poisons the public

Rescue workers sift through the rubble of the Peshawar blast that killed more than 120 civilians. Some Pakistanis refuse to believe the Taliban was behind this attack. Reuters photo. The Pakistani government continues to blame India for the Taliban insurgency that is raging throughout the northwest. The New York Times explains why this is dangerous. […]


Abdullah Abdullah called the Independent Election Commission’s appointment of Hamid Karzai as president “illegal.” A policeman, thought to be a Taliban infiltrator, killed five British trainers in Helmand province. Seven Taliban fighters surrendered to the government in Badghis. Afghan and Coalition forces detained “several” Taliban fighters and a HIG commander during raids in Khost, Logar, […]

Taliban ‘policeman’ kills five British troops

An Afghan policeman who is very likely a Taliban plant killed five embedded British mentors in the Nad Ali district in the turbulent Helmand province. From the BBC: The British military has blamed the attack on a “rogue” Afghan policeman, who opened fire, injuring eight others, before fleeing the compound. “While we are assembling evidence, […]


Three government officials and three security guards were killed in an ambush in the eastern province of Hadramawt. The provincial chief of the Political Security Organization, the regional security chief, and the leader of the regional criminal investigation division were killed in the attack, which is thought to have been carried out by al Qaeda.


Protesters clashed with government forces on the anniversary of the US embassy takeover in Tehran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei rejected US offers for further negotiations and said any attempt to negotiate is “naive and perverted.” Littoral states gathered to discuss legal issues surrounding the Caspian Sea.

Two Philippine Marines wounded by Abu Sayyaf in Sulu province


The Army killed 21 Taliban fighters and captured two key towns in South Waziristan. The military has also entered Sararogha. Seven Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur and 40 suspected extremists were detained in Rawalpindi. The UN has suspended aid work in Pakistan’s northwest.

United States

The two men accused of plotting attacks on a Danish newspaper also planned to carry out attacks in India. Prosecutors have stated that Tahawwura Hussain Rana and David Headley also discussed attacking the National Defense College in India before they were apprehended by authorities for conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed seven Taliban fighters and captured eight more in Kunduz. The Taliban killed three policemen in Balkh. Ten policemen in Badghis joined the Taliban.

Not exactly a smoking Indian gun

First, let me be clear that I am not an expert on the weapons manufactured or used by the Indian Army or any other army. When a commenter posted a link to the photo above, which shows what the Pakistani military claims to be Indian mortars captured during operations in South Waziristan as evidence of […]


US Secretary of State Clinton urged Tehran to stick to the IAEA nuclear deal. The US Congress will publish an extensive study on Iranian military power. Kuwait announced its support for Iran’s “peaceful nuclear program.”

Let’s blame India, again

Major General Athar Abbas, the Director General of Inter Services Public Relations. Its time to play let’s blame India again. As Pakistani security forces advance in South Waziristan, senior military and government officials continue to point the finger at India for backing the Taliban. The latest statements come from the military’s top spokesman and the […]


Taliban suicide bombers killed 34 Pakistanis in Rawalpindi and a policeman in Lahore. The military said 12 Taliban fighters have been killed and the town of Kanigoram has been secured in South Waziristan. The top military spokesman said India is backing the Taliban. The government offered rewards for the captures of 14 senior leaders in […]


Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Ninewa and 14 more in Basrah, 13 members of a car bomb network in northern Iraq, two al Qaeda operatives in Makhmour, and a key leader in al Qaeda’s network in the North. Iraqi special operations forces also arrested two individuals suspected of acquiring illegal weapons and financing […]


Abu Sayyaf gunmen attacked an observation post manned by Marines in Sulu province on Monday; two troops and an undetermined number of militants were wounded. On Sunday, troops fought Abu Sayyaf in the village of Patibulan in Sulu province, killing at least one fighter. The military also engaged in an intense firefight with MNLF in […]


Two Shabaab members tried to hijack a plane flying to Djibouti from Bosaso airport. Shabaab has banned the UN World Food Program from distributing humanitarian foodstuffs bearing the US flag in southern Somalia. At least six people were killed by an explosion in front of Hizbul Islam’s regional headquarters in Beledweyne.