Yearly Archives: 2009

United States

An Army major killed 11 US soldiers during a shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, and wounded 31 more. Major Nidal Malik Hasan had expressed support for attacks on US troops at home and abroad, and equated suicide bombers with soldiers who sacrifice themselves to save their fellow soldiers.


Twenty-eight Taliban fighters and five soldiers were killed in South Waziristan as the military retook control of the Ladha Fort. Hakeemullah Mehsud urged Taliban fighters not to desert the battlefield. Police arrested a Taliban commander in Karachi and three Jundallah fighters in Baluchistan. An Army brigadier and a soldier were wounded in an ambush in […]

A look at Thailand’s insurgency

Four Abu Sayyaf militants killed in Basilan Philippines

Indonesian president vows to boost law enforcement and fight terrorism

Muslim Army major was behind shootings at Fort Hood

A gunman opened fire today on US soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, the largest US military base in America. Initial reports indicate the attack took place at a readiness center where soldiers prepare to deploy overseas. According to initial reports, 11 people have been killed, and more than 30 have been wounded. The attack was […]

The fog of the South Waziristan war

Taliban commander Hakeemullah Mehsud at a press conference in Peshawar in 2008. Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, whose forces in South Waziristan are under assault by the Pakistani Army, reportedly issued a speech via Taliban radio that urged his followers to fight the Army and not abandon the […]


Prime Minister Maliki submitted evidence of Syrian involvement in recent Baghdad bombings to the UN. Insurgents killed a civilian and a policeman and wounded 20 Iraqis in bombings in Hillah, Ramadi, and Mosul. Security forces detained seven insurgents in Diyala, six al Qaeda fighters in Bayji and Tall Zalat, and two members of an IED […]


Two explosions targeted two police stations in Bosaso, in the autonomous northern region of Puntland. Hizbul Islam insurgents have imposed a curfew on Beledweyne. Somali pirates seized a Greek-owned vessel and threatened to hand three Spanish captives to the families of two pirates being held in Spain.

French prosecutor points out Pakistan links to jihadis

The Los Angeles Times reports on a damning new book written by Jean-Louis Bruguiere, a former French investigative magistrate who specialized on al Qaeda and homed in on the network in Pakistan. According to Bruguiere, Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI, (or elements of it, depending on your point of view and the specific situation) has […]


The UN will withdraw 600 foreign staff members. ISAF is investigating claims that nine people killed during a military strike that killed nine suspected IED emplacers were civilians. A suicide bomber killed only himself in Kunduz province. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Khost and an ISAF soldier in eastern Afghanistan. […]

Army retakes fort in South Waziristan

The Ladha Fort was abandoned by the Frontier Corps during the summer of 2008 after the Taliban besieged the region. The Army said 28 Taliban fighters have been killed during fighting over the past day.


Competing protesters took to the streets to commemorate the US embassy takeover 30 years ago. Iranian security forces arrested an Agence France Presse reporter covering Wednesday’s rally. UN nuclear chief Mohamed El Baradei said the goal of Tehran’s nuclear program is to allow the country to be seen as a regional power.

Italian court sentences 23 CIA agents over rendition flight

Saudi Arabia

Yemen civil war spills over border as Saudi official is killed in attack


Famed French judge Bruguiere tells of a troubled Pakistan


Pakistan: Army close to winding up first phase of operation


The Army killed 30 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and entered the town of Ladha. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Hangu and two suicide bombers were killed during a premature detonation in Kohat. Four extremists were killed in a US airstrike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed two female teachers in Bajaur. Security forces […]


Iraqi forces killed one al Qaeda fighter and detained three more in Mosul, and detained 21 al Qaeda cell members in Baghdad and Bayji, three wanted men in Kirkuk, and another three in Wasit. Insurgents killed a US soldier in Northern Iraq and wounded 20 Iraqis in four bombings in Baghdad.


At least seven people have been killed in fighting between Somali government forces and Hizbul Islam rebel fighters in Beledweyne, north of Mogadishu. Mohammed Osman Arus, a spokesman for Hizbul Islam, said his group has recaptured the town. Residents of the central village of Bahdo clashed with pirates holding a UK couple, and killed two […]