Yearly Archives: 2009


Mohammed Gafaje, commander of the pirates holding a Spanish crew hostage, called for the extradition of two Somali pirates held in Spain and issued an ultimatum to the Spanish government. At least five civilians were killed after Shabaab attacked two bases in Mogadishu. An explosion targeted the Ministry of Finance in Galkayo, in central Somalia.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two senior security officials and three soldiers in Hadramout. A brigadier general in charge of security and a colonel in charge of the criminal investigations branch were among those killed in a drive-by shooting. Al Qaeda took credit for the attack in a posting on the Internet.


Soldiers captured Asnawi Adan Sala, a wanted Abu Sayyaf operative, at the airport in the southern city of Zamboanga. Sala was behind the murder of 14 Filipino Marines on Basilan in July 2007, in which 10 of the Marines were beheaded.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in the Nawbahar district in Zabul and detained several Haqqani Network fighters in Khost. Seven Afghan security personnel and one civilian were killed in a friendly fire incident while searching for two missing US soldiers in Badghis. The UN said it will withdraw only an estimated 200 […]


An officer with the rank of commander of the National People™s Army (ANP) was killed yesterday when a car bomb he was set to defuse exploded, killing him instantly. He was killed near Cap Djinet, 35 kilometers east of Boumerdes. The bombs were discovered during a car crash when the car that overturned was found […]


Pakistan – Fresh South Waziristan clashes kill 15 Taliban fighters

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Hamid Essouffi, aka Abdel Hamid Abou Zeid, the prominent Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb commander, has been badly wounded in fighting with Algerian security forces in Adrar province. Zeid leads the Taregh Ibn Ziyad brigade operating in the Sahara-Sahel region that stretches throughout Mali, Mauritiania, Niger, and southern Algeria. Zeid™s brigade is responsible for […]


Iranian becomes hero after criticising Ayatollah Khamenei to his face


Egypt: Women to appear on state TV without Muslim veil

Al Qaeda

US needs hit squads, ‘manhunting agency™: Spec Ops report


Security forces killed 24 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan, eight in Swat, and two in Mansehra. The Taliban killed a Frontier Corps troop in Hangu. Police arrested two suspected terrorists in connection with the Headley and Rana plot in the US. Iran claimed Pakistan released the leader of Jundallah days before the suicide attack in […]


The Iraqi parliament missed its deadline to pass election reform laws. Security forces detained 11 wanted men in Diyala, four Special Groups operatives in Al Kut, three members of the Promise Day Brigade in Baghdad, and two al Qaeda operatives in Sharqat. Insurgents wounded five civilians in Mosul and killed an Awakening fighter near Kirkuk.


Shabaab members stoned a man to death for adultery in Merka but spared his pregnant girlfriend until she gives birth. A prominent Somali businessman was killed in Bosaso. Masked gunmen tried to kill Abdullahi Hilowle, one of the commanders of Hizbul Islam in lower Shabelle region. Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys held talks […]

War by proxy: Tehran caught arming terrorists (again)

Iranian-supplied weapons seized on the Karine A. The recent seizure by Israeli commandos of a large weapons cache on board a container ship bound for Syria reveals yet another instance of Tehran’s rash disregard for international law. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1747, it is illegal for the international community to export or engage […]


Two ISAF soldiers who were operating in western Afghanistan are missing. The Taliban killed two US soldiers and one ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan. US and Afghan forces detained “a group” of Taliban fighters and a senior Taliban facilitator in Kandahar, and a former security chief of southern Ghazni province.


The IAEA reported that Iranian scientists may have tested components of the nuclear warhead. Mohamed ElBaradei said IAEA inspectors found “nothing to be worried about” at the Qom nuclear site. Japanese and Canadian journalists have been arrested for reporting on the Nov. 4 riots.


Police arrested three Islamist terrorists, including a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative, during a raid in Chittagong. The three men were “making plans to hit US targets,” a police officer said. Dozens of suspected Islamist terrorists have been arrested in Bangladesh over the past week.