Yearly Archives: 2009


Members of Abu Sayyaf kidnapped a school principal in Jolo and murdered and beheaded him. The head was found in a bag at a gas station. Abu Sayyaf murdered the principal after his family and the government refused to pay a $42,000 ransom.


Four Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack in Peshawar. A police sniper killed a suicide bomber in Islamabad. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and eight more in Kurram. The Taliban killed four soldiers in South Waziristan.


Pirates seized a UAE-flagged ship loaded with weapons bound for Somalia in contravention of a UN arms embargo, and launched their longest range hijack attempt yet — opening fire on a giant oil tanker 1,000 nautical miles east of Mogadishu. In Mogadishu, Shabaab commander Sheik Mohamed Sheik Abdullahi, also known as “Pakistan,” defected to the […]


Iraq’s Presidency Council is likely to ratify the election reform law. Security forces detained 16 wanted men in Basrah and two more in Kirkuk, an al Qaeda fighter in Tikrit, a Hezbollah Brigades member in Baghdad, and an Awakening leader in Baqubah. Two US pilots were killed in a helicopter crash in Salahadin province.


Afghan troops backed by NATO forces killed 125 Taliban fighters and eight Taliban commanders during an operation in Kunduz. Police killed two Taliban suicide bombers in Ghazni. The Taliban killed two construction workers in Paktika province and an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan.

United States

US intelligence has been aware for months that Ft. Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan had attempted to contact al Qaeda associates. Hasan’s ties to Anwar al Awlaki, an imam living in Yemen, further fueled speculation that this was an act of Islamic terror. British intelligence intercepted an email that led to the arrest of Afghan […]


Tehran charged three Americans who crossed the border from Iraq with spying. Iran ignored several back-channel attempts by the IAEA to salvage the nuclear deal. Iran also warned Russia to follow through with the delivery of the S-300 air defense system.


Live: Berlin celebrates 20 years after the fall of the wall


A suicide bomber killed an anti-Taliban lashkar leader and 12 others outside of Peshawar. The military killed 20 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Police killed a suicide bomber in Islamabad before he could detonate. The World Food Program has resumed operations in Bajaur.

United States

The FBI recovered two al Qaeda videos at the home of Tahawwur Hussain Rana, one of two suspects arrested for conspiring with al Qaeda and the Lashkar-e-Taiba to conduct an attack on a Danish newspaper. One of the videos, produced by As Sahab, is titled “Bombing of Denmark Embassy.”


Three Islamists suspected of being Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members were killed in an ambush by Algerian security forces near Tizi Ouzou, about 110 km east of Algiers. This ambush comes days after two Islamists were killed by Algerian security forces in Boumerdes, 50 km from Algiers.


A police officer was killed in Puntland and two Kenyans were kidnapped in Mogadishu. Shabaab accused Kenyan lawmakers of backing the recruitment of youths to fight against insurgents in Somalia. Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, a Hizbul Islam warlord, and Barre Hirale, a Shabaab ally in Kismayo, signed a secret agreement to help the government mount an […]


The parliament passed the election reform law. Security forces detained the al Qaeda emir of Tuz Khurmatu, six al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and two more in Al Qaim, a senior Naqshabandi leader in Ninewa, eleven insurgents in Kirkuk, and seven more in Diyala. Two insurgents were killed in a premature detonation in Mosul.

Iraq: The raveling*

Here is some very good news: Iraq’s parliament has approved a long-delayed law governing national elections scheduled to be held next January, officials have said. Members of parliament passed the law with 141 votes in favour in the 275-seat parliament after overcoming disagreements over the disputed city of Kirkuk. Sunday’s vote came after delays the […]


Police killed eight Taliban fighters in Farah province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained “a group” of Taliban fighters in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two Coalition soldiers in southern Afghanistan and torched three fuel tankers in Nangarhar province. Ten Taliban fighters surrendered to the government in Kunduz.


In Pakistan’s South Waziristan, hopes that Taliban’s exit will bring progress

More troubling information emerges on Fort Hood shooter

While some news outlets entertain the ridiculous notion that Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan was the victim of “vicarious traumatization,” more evidence emerges that indicates Hasan was radicalized. The Telegraph reported that Hasan attended the same Virgina mosque as three of the 9/11 bombers, while NPR said he casually espoused his religious views […]


In Peshawar, foreign hands blamed for heinous market attack


Pakistani troops killed 12 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and one more in Kurram. Six Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed in clashes in Hangu. Fifteen Pakistanis, including four Frontier Corps troops, were wounded in two grenade attacks in Quetta.


Iraqi security forces detained 27 wanted men in Basrah, nine terrorists and an al Qaeda motorcycle bomb maker in Fallujah, and four wanted men in Ninewa. Police discovered and defused a large IED in a hospital in Amarah. Insurgents wounded three civilians in a bicycle bombing in Abu Ghraib.