Yearly Archives: 2009


Prominent member of Awakening movement arrested in Iraq


At the United Nations, the US condemned Iran and accused the country of violating a UN arms embargo by secretly sending weapons to Syria. Israel has released documents that show Iran is linked to the arms shipment. Hundreds of members of the Basij militia called for the extradition of Arash Hejazi, the alleged witness of […]


A new mosque in Nicaragua fires up the rumor mill

Afghanistan’s war on drugs: Child ‘chemists’ and counternarcotics

Poppy pods procured from Kandahar City. They were lanced six times each, indicating a slightly above average extraction of raw opium. Photo by Matt Dupee. “I’ve been in this business a long time, but it really disturbs me when I see the opium workshops in Mawand that are completely run with children labor.” This is […]


The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has deployed Reaper unmanned drones to scour the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia. Six security guards were injured after insurgents hurled hand grenades at the convoy of Somalia’s police chief as it passed south of Galkayo town.


A suicide bomber killed 24 Pakistanis in an attack at a market in Charsadda. The military killed nine Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Four Turks were arrested in Zhob. The Taliban bombed CD shops in Dir Bala.


Canadian TF commander, CF troops make cameo appearance in Taliban video


China wants a lead role in fight against Somali pirates


In Basilan, 30 armed Abu Sayyaf fighters stormed a plywood factory, capturing at least three foreign workers. It was the fifth kidnapping in the southern Philippines in the past month. MILF has deployed a task force to search for kidnapped Irish Priest Michael Sinnot

United States

Washington, DC area sniper, John Lee Muhammad, will be executed for the murder of ten innocent civilians during a three week killing spree. The Supreme Court has denied his appeals and only an unlikely call from Virginia Governor Tim Kaine will save him from lethal injection. Muhammad’s teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, is currently serving […]


Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader and captured eight fighters south of Samarra. Security forces also detained 74 Baathists for involvement in the Oct. 25 suicide attack in Baghdad, five al Qaeda operatives in Salahadin and Diyala, and two wanted men in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed two policemen and wounded two more near Balad.


Hezbollah rockets can reach deep into Israel: army chief


The Taliban killed two children in a mortar attack in Paktika and killed one ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan. Afghan and Coalition forces detained 15 Taliban fighters and seized 500,000 pounds of explosive materials in Kandahar. Japan will donate $5 billion in aid over the next five years.


Ahmadinejad called for “radical changes” in the global economic order based on Islamic principles. Foreign Minister Mottaki called on regional states to avoid interference in Yemen’s internal affairs. Iran accused three US hikers of espionage.

Al Qaeda

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of a radical Hizb-i-Islami faction, said Osama bin Laden is still alive, and blamed al Qaeda’s “wrong” strategy for the toppling of the Taliban in 2001. Hekmatyar, who made his comments in a rare videotape, also said the Taliban should not conduct attacks against the Pakistani state.

Fort Hood shooter has ties to radical US imam

Even as the FBI continues to investigate if Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan has links to al Qaeda, investigators are rushing to declare that he “acted alone and without outside direction,” the Associated Press reported. Over at The Weekly Standard, Thomas Joscelyn takes a hard look at Anwar al Awlaki, the radical cleric […]


Lebanon’s Hariri forms unity government with Hezbollah