Yearly Archives: 2009


Twenty-two Taliban fighters and five soldiers were killed in South Waziristan. A Spanish court said the “Pakistani Taliban ordered attacks in Barcelona.” Police detained seven Taliban fighters in Karachi. One child was killed in an explosion at a mullah’s home in Hangu.


Insurgents killed a female high school principal and wounded five civilians in Baghdad, and wounded two policemen in Mosul. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and two more in Kirkuk. The presidency council approved the return of 100 British naval trainers.


Eastern Afghanistan provinces host regional peace jirga call for peace

Afghanistan: A flaw in the rules of engagement

Britain’s Ministry of Defence website has an article that perfectly illustrates what is wrong with the rules of engagement in Afghanistan. A British sniper spotted what he believed was a Taliban spotter who was directing fire on the sniper’s fellow soldiers, and instead of killing the spotter, he fired a warning shot: The soldier, who […]


The US ambassador to Afghanistan opposes a buildup of forces. Afghan and Coalition troops killed five Taliban fighters and detained 14 more in Kandahar, Ghanzi, and Paktika provinces. Afghan intelligence detained a Haqqani Network commander and four associates in Laghman province. A Norwegian freelance journalist kidnapped last week was freed.

United States

‘I’m Muslim first, American second’ – Former classmate of suspected Ft. Hood shooter recalls red flags


A Buddhist couple was shot and killed at a rice mill in Pattani province. After the murder, five civilian witnesses were wounded in an explosion after they rushed to the scene. Over 4,000 people have been killed in Thailand’s southern provinces since the beginning of the insurgency in 2004.


Senegal has extradited to Mauritania a suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member thought to be linked to the Aug. 8 bomb attack on the French Embassy in Nouakchott. With his brother already in a Nouakchott prison, the extradited suspect, Taleb Ould Ahmednah, will face charges of involvement with a suicide bomb attack on […]


Six members of an Algerian counterfeit cell that are suspected of funding terrorism have been arrested in Italy. The Algerian cell is accused of counterfeiting identity documents including those of Algerian professional footballers in order to finance terrorist activities abroad. A total of 17 warrants have been issued for members of the cell throughout Europe […]


President Ahmadinejad vowed to protect the Islamic Republic’s nuclear assets. Iran called on Russia to fulfill a missile sales deal for an S-300 system. A Pakistani Iranian consulate worker was shot in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Taliban govern openly in Nuristan

Dost-Mohammed-AJ.jpgOne month after US forces pulled out of the Kamdish district, the Taliban have established sharia courts, opened schools, and no longer hide their faces.


Pakistan rock rails against the West, not the Taliban

Arrest in Netherlands may yield insight into Shabaab recruiting networks

Yesterday the Star Tribune (published in Minneapolis-St. Paul) reported on a seemingly significant arrest in the Netherlands related to the al Shabaab recruiting networks that have centered on the Twin Cities area. From the Star Tribune: A 43-year-old Somali man from Minneapolis was arrested this week in the Netherlands for allegedly financing the recruitment of […]


Zabul moves front and center in fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan


Taleban spin doctors winning fresh ground in propaganda war with Nato


The Taliban killed 10 Frontier Corps troops and captured eight more in two separate attacks in Mohmand. The military killed 10 Taliban fighters in Mohmand and seven more in South Waziristan. Police detained 36 Afghans and 70 suspected extremists during a sweep in Peshawar.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden named Fazul Abdullah Mohammed the new leader of al Qaeda ‘s network in Eastern Africa. Fazul spoke at a ceremony that was held to commemorate his promotion. Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, the spiritual leader of Shabaab, also spoke at the meeting.


Iraqi security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah, 19 “infiltrators” in Ninewa, 10 al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and Baghdad, three insurgents in Fallujah, and three Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. Three terrorists escaped from the prison Maaqal in Basrah; several prison officials were detained in the aftermath.


Is Yemen the most dangerous new front in the war on terror?

United States

Yemeni authorities are trying to track down Anwar al Awlaki, the imam whom the Ft. Hood shooter contacted numerous times before carrying out his attack. Awlaki is suspected of giving approval to kidnapping by militants and was once arrested in Yemen for alleged ties to al Qaeda. DC sniper John Allen Muhammad was executed by […]


The Taliban killed two civilians in a suicide attack in Zabul and another in an IED attack in Kunduz. Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander in Helmand, detained Taliban fighters in Ghazni, Wardak, and Kandahar, and recovered the body of one of the two US soldiers missing in Badghis.