Yearly Archives: 2009


Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Bajaur, 13 in Hangu, and five more in South Waziristan, and detained a suicide bomber in Swat. The Air Force targeted 17 Taliban installations in Arakzai. An ammendment to the Anti-Terrorism Law prevents the issuance of bail to terror suspects.


Shabaab seized control of the southern town of Afmadow from rival Hizbul Islam after clashes that killed 14 people. The top leader of Hizbul Islam, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, has secretly held talks with some top Shabaab officials to discuss the brewing row between the two groups. African Union peacekeepers have made a new base […]


Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Al Qaim. They also detained 27 wanted men in Basrah, 26 in Dhi Qhar, 14 in Diyala, and two more in Karbala; and two Special Groups cell members in Amarah. Insurgents killed one civilian and wounded 14 in attacks in in Mosul, Baghdad, and Fallujah. A Special Groups […]


Security forces arrested a Bangladeshi leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba in the capital of Dhaka. Mohammad Motalem, who is also know as Majnu, is said to be the mastermind of the foiled plot to attack the Indian High Commission and the US embassy and recruited operatives for the failed attack.


Iraqi parliament fails to reach election deal


President Karzai said some Taliban leaders may be invited to attend a grand council meeting. Two of Karzai’s ministers are facing corruption charges. The Taliban killed five policemen in an IED attack in Spin Boldak in Kandahar and assassinated an intelligence officer in Kandahar City. Afghan and Coalition forces killed four Taliban fighters and detained […]


The military has launched an expansive military war game designed to show it can protect the country’s nuclear facilities. Iran temporarily freed a reformer after he posted $700,000 in bail. Opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi said anti-government protesters were willing to “pay any price.”

Mullah Omar and al Qaeda: a long term relationship

George Washington University’s National Security Archive has released a series of documents and cables from the US State Department and the CIA on the Taliban. Titled “The Taliban Biography, The Structure and Leadership of the Taliban 1996-2002,” the documents provide interesting background information on the Taliban leadership, and most importantly, show that back in 1998, […]

Jalaluddin Haqqani on suicide bombings in Afghanistan

Jalaluddin Haqqani with his son Nasrudin. Jihadica points to an interview with Jalaluddin Haqqani, the patriarch of the Haqqani family network, which is based in eastern Afghanistan and across the border in North Waziristan in Pakistan. Jalaluddin has a clever answer to a question on suicide attacks being plotted and launched from Pakistan, as Jihadica […]

Pakistani forces strike again in Arakzai

The military said 25 Taliban fighters were killed and eight, including a commander, were captured, during fighting in Arakzai, Hangu, Khyber, and Bajaur. Another 14 Taliban fighters and six soldiers were killed in South Waziristan.


Fourteen Taliban fighters and six soldiers were killed in clashes in South Waziristan. Eleven Taliban fighters were killed in airstrikes in Arakzai, and seven Taliban fighters and a commander were captured in Hangu after ambushing a military convoy. In Dera Ghazi Khan, police detained two weapons smugglers linked to HuJI and the Taliban. And in […]


Iraqi forces detained nine insurgents in Baghdad, six terrorists in Baqubah, four al Qaeda operatives in Anbar, three members of an IED cell in Karmah, a Special Groups operative in Baghdad, a “dangerous man” in Karbala, and an Islamic Army in Iraq fighter near Kirkuk. Insurgents wounded 12 Iraqis in bombings in Baghdad and two […]


Iran to hold war games to protect nuclear sites


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Kandahar province and detained 12 more in Nimroz. The Taliban killed two children in Kandahar and two tribal leaders in Jazjan, and wounded two policmen in a rocket attack on the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

United States

The US District Court in Minneapolis indicted a 24-year-old Somali man for conspiring to “kill, kidnap, maim or injure” people in foreign countries. Omer Abdi Mohamed is one of six Muslims in Minneapolis charged with terrorism-related crmes. Mohamed attended the radical Abubakar as Saddique Islamic Center in south Minneapolis.


A British couple kidnapped by pirates have appealed directly to the British Government to open talks for their release, fearing that they may be killed within a week. Their kidnappers told them a terrorist cell is also hunting them. Shabaab launched an attack on a base of Hizbul Islam just 60 kilometers north of Kismayo.


Three suicide bombers blew themselves up in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Police chased the men into the foothills after residents saw them dump a bag of weapons.


Counterterrorism police detained two Pakistanis, a father and a son, who are accused of financing the 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. The two Pakistanis used their money transfer business to send cash to individuals involved in the attacks.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has been recruiting Algerian fighters returning from Iraq. Upwards of 60 well-trained former Iraqi fighters may have joined the terrorist organization since 2007. Many of the returning fighters are recruited from Oued Souf, Batna, and Misla in Algeria. Several students are believed to be among those joining AQIM.