Yearly Archives: 2009


Insurgents killed two imams at bombings in mosques in Baghdad and Fallujah, and wounded four policemen in a bombing in Dhi Qhar. Security forces detained 26 wanted men in Basrah, three Special Groups operatives in Amara, and a member of an IED cell in in Bayji. Three professors, six students, and an employee were detained […]


The US reportedly will send an additional 34,000 troops; the official announcement is expected next week. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander and five fighters in Daykundi province and detained “several” Taliban and Haqqani network fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Bagram. The Taliban killed nine civilians in shootings and IED attacks in Khost, […]


The world’s six major powers reportedly have a draft resolution on Iran’s nuclear program. Iran said it may take legal action against Russia if it fails to deliver the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system. A Belgian man pleaded guilty to conspiring to transfer aircraft parts to Iran.

United States

The FBI charged eight Americans with conspiring to kill people outside the US and supporting al Qaeda-linked Shabaab in Somalia. The men helped at least 20 Americans attend training camps in Somalia. The FBI arrested a man who was conspiring to ship machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles to Syria.

Tajik rebels join al Qaeda

Members of a rebel military unit have enlisted to fight with al Qaeda and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, according to the Tajik National Security Committee.

More talk of Taliban talks

Wakil Ahmad Mutawakil. Two stories of US negotiations with the Taliban are sure to spark controversy as the Obama administration has yet to decide on the path forward in Afghanistan. The first report, from Dawn, is the more interesting of the two: The Obama administration may be close to reversing course on its current strategy […]


The military killed nine Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. The Taliban ambushed and torched several NATO supply and oil transports in Jafarabad. The military moved troops into the Bara region in Khyber.

Pentagon convenes Fort Hood shooting task force

Iraqi troops kill chlorine suicide bomber

Iraqi soldiers foiled a potentially deadly suicide attack today at the border crossing at Al Qaim in western Anbar province. From Aswat al-Iraq (Voices of Iraq): “A force from the 28th infantry division managed to defuse a car bomb and to kill its driver in al-Qaim, Anbar province,” said the statement received by Aswat al-Iraq […]


At least 11 people were killed in clashes between government forces and Hizbul Islam around the presidential palace in Mogadishu. Gunmen killed a police official in Puntland. A US private military company will work in Mogadishu, contracted by Somalia™s government. Two Ghadir class submarines will join the Iranian navy off the coast of Somalia.


Iraq’s parliament passed the election law for a second time, sending it back to the presidential council. Iraqi security forces killed a Kuwaiti al Qaeda suicide bomber in Al Qaim and detained 21 wanted men in Basrah, a terrorist commander in Salahadin, an al Qaeda leader in Baqubah, an al Qaeda operative near Kirkuk, and […]

More on Luqman Abdullah’s shooting

On Wednesday, I posted about the death of Luqman Abdullah, the imam of Detroit’s Masjid al-Haqq and a Detroit representative to al-Ummah, who was killed in Dearborn, Mich., in a shootout with FBI agents and police from the Joint Terrorism Task Force. The new issue of CTR Vantage is themed around this incident, and provides […]


The Taliban killed four US soldiers and three Afghan troops in separate clashes in southern and eastern Afghanistan, and kidnapped a government official and destroyed a girls’ school in Logar. Afghan and Coalition forces detained eight Taliban fighters in Logar.


Three men accused of joining Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been arrested by Mauritanian security forces. Their arrests come as President Abdel Aziz has pledged to crack down on the group’s presence in his country as part of a regional effort to rid the Sahel of AQIM.


Two suspected members of an extremist group held for seven years in Guantanamo Bay have been acquitted by an Algerian court. The men allege that they were “brutally tortured” in Guantanamo. They were arrested in Pakistan after 9/11 and sent home to Algeria last year; on Sunday, an Algerian court acquitted them of charges of […]


A senior cleric said ballistic missiles will land in Tel Aviv and the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps Air Force said “Israeli warplanes will be completely destroyed,” if Iran’s nuclear facilities are attacked. Iran’s Central Bank removed the US dollar from its currency basket and replaced it with the euro.