Yearly Archives: 2009


Insurgents killed one policeman and a civilian in separate attacks in Mosul. Iraqi security forces detained four al Qaeda IED cell members near Baghdad and Kirkuk, three insurgents near Fallujah, and a woman who recruits and trains female suicide bombers in Baqubah.


US – Logistics agency prepares to move ‘mountain™ from Iraq


An Afghan policeman killed six other officers before being shot and killed by Afghan soldiers. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand and wounded an Afghan soldier in Khost. The body of a US paratrooper who went missing on Nov. 4 has been found.


A new US intelligence study revealed that Revolutionary Guards Corps will command Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf. Russia’s energy minister pledged a quick completion of Iran’s first nuclear power station contracted out to a Russian firm.


Three Spanish nationals have been kidnapped by suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb gunmen; a fourth escaped the abductors. The Spanish nationals were traveling in a convoy from Nouakchott to Nouadhibou when armed men abducted them outside the town of Chelkhett Legtouta. The Spaniards are working for an NGO group called Barcelona-Accio.


Malaysian Prime Minister Razak will travel to Thailand on Dec. 8-9 to meet with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to observe development programs in the insurgency-plagued Narathiwat province and discuss the proposed grant of partial autonomy to the southern provinces. Abhisit visited Qatar last week, where he spoke of opportunitie for economic investment and development and […]


Insurgents assassinated a member of the municipal council in western Baghdad and wounded two soldiers in a bombing in Diyala. Security forces detained five wanted men in Basrah, four al Qaeda operatives in northern Iraq and four more in Diyala, and the leader of the Promised Day Brigade in Amarah.


Taliban propaganda watch: Omar on unity, threatening the West (maybe), and what he doesn’t say


Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters during clashes in Kurram, Khyber, and South Waziristan. One soldier was injured during a Taliban attack on a Frontier Corps camp in South Waziristan. Police detained a member of the banned Khair-un-Nisa who provided weapons to terrorists in the city.


Russian police issue description of train blast suspect


Militia return to Basra and threaten those who helped force them out

Time to bust the myth of the slumdog Islamists


Gordon Brown announces timetable for Helmand handover to Afghan control


Senate report explores 2001 escape by bin Laden from Afghan mountains


Russia claims it has won peace, but Chechen terrorism is defiantly back


Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed alMegrahi linked to Libya™s chemical weapons


US aircraft killed 26 Haqqani Network fighters in Khost province. Afghan police killed two Taliban fighters in Faryab province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed one Taliban fighter and detained several more in Wardak and Kandahar provinces. The top German commander in RC-North returned to Germany for “medical treatment.”


Pirates attacked a Spanish fishing vessel but private security guards aboard the ship drove them off with gunfire. Puntland Marines have joined the pirates, said Puntland former president Ade Muse Hershe. The top leader of Shabaab, Sheikh Mukhtar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr, vowed more fighting against Somali government and AMISOM troops. Two clerics were killed by […]

Coalition casualty map masks wider picture of Afghan insurgency

The National Post printed a good graphic on Coalition casualties, by province, throughout Afghanistan, as well as some attack statistics. Some items of note: IED deaths, at more than 250, have increased by more than five times since 2006. The US, Canada, and Britain are shouldering the brunt of the casualties; 84.7% of the deaths […]


President Ahmedinejad announced Iran will build 10 new nuclear sites to enrich uranium. A top Iranian lawmaker said the country will not give up its “inalienable and legal right” to nuclear power. The parliament called for decreased cooperation with the IAEA.