Yearly Archives: 2009

The UK agrees to aid in resumption of formal peace talks between MILF and Philippines

Muslim separatist campaign has intensified in Thailand


India blocks millions of mobiles for security reasons


Shabaab fighters reportedly disarmed Hizbul Islam top leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, according to state radio. Security forces in Bosaso captured a wanted pirate called Omar Hassan Osman, also known as Baqalyo, who hijacked and received $4 million in ransom from an Italian ship.

United States

The US Attorney’s office has announced that hearings for David Coleman Headley will be deferred indefinitely. Headley was scheduled for preliminary and detention hearings on Dec. 4 for his role in a conspiracy to carry out attacks abroad on behalf of Lashkar-e-Taiba.


Pakistani journalist critical of the military is threatened


Civilian deaths in Iraq have dropped to a six-year low in November. Iraqi and US forces detained 11 al Qaeda fighters in Northern Iraq and two more in Diyala, and four insurgents in Dalouiya. Insurgents killed a civilian and wounded a soldier and 14 more civilians in Kirkuk, Baghdad, and Mosul.


The Taliban killed a civilian and wounded three more in a bombing in Uruzgan, and wounded a policeman in an attack on checkpoints in Kunduz. Afghan and Coalition forces detained four Haqqani Network fighters in Khost. Australia said it will increase police and civilian aid to Afghanistan.

Iran’s fist still clenched

An IRGC Navy fast attack speed boat (near boat). Image from Fars News. Thanksgiving weekend gave President Obama little to be thankful for in terms of the administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran. Not only did Tehran turn down the offer of sending its nuclear material to Russia for enrichment, but the Iranians also declared a […]


Senior cleric denounces Iranian militia for crackdown


Tehran warned that it will take strong action against five detained British sailors whose yacht entered Iran’s Persian Gulf waters. China announced that more talk, not tougher sanctions are needed to resolve the Iranian nuclear dispute.

Hekmatyar offers terms for ‘peace’ in Afghanistan

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of a faction of the Hezb-i-Islami that is allied with the Taliban and al Qaeda, is toeing the Taliban line on conditions for “peace” in Afghanistan: a full US/NATO withdrawal and the “transfer of power to an Islamic government” (read: the Taliban). He even went one step further and is calling […]


Pirates seized a Greek-flagged supertanker transporting oil to the US. Several Hizbul Islam officials led by warlord Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Islam Madobe fled to Kenya, after Shabaab seized two towns near the border. Reports said the fleeing officials held meetings with top Kenyan security officials and are currently in the capital Nairobi.


US says Iran enrichment plans ‘completely unacceptable’


Hezbollah plans to continue arming to fight Israel

US helps Philippines in fight against IEDs


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Kurram and detained 10 in Swat and South Waziristan. The Frontier Corps said 61 Lashkar-e-Islam, Taliban, and Uzbek and Afghan fighters have been killed since the latest operation began in Khyber last week.

Swiss minaret ban ‘extreme Islamophobia’

Lashkar-i-Taiba denies links to US arrests


Iran holds yacht with 5 UK nationals