Yearly Archives: 2009

Former Guantanamo detainee now al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula’s Mufti

Former Gitmo detainee Ibrahim Suleiman al Rubaish has emerged as a leading ideologue for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Rubaish repeatedly attacks the Saudi government in his messages and has justified assassinations of Saudi officials. At Gitmo, Rubaish admitted he was a committed jihadist who had been trained in an al Qaeda camp.

Al Qaeda

Yousuf Raza Gilani: we are fighting the Taleban and reviving democracy


The Lahore High Court rejected Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s petitions to dismiss the case against him for lack of evidence. Lakhvi is Lashkar-e-Taiba’s operations head and was one of the chief plotters in the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai.


Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Swat and night fighters and a commander in Arakzai, and detained 10 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters and three commanders in Khyber. The Taliban wounded one person in an IED attack in Peshawar.


Russian police find car with explosives near railroad station

YouTube War: Fighting in a world of cameras in every cell phone and Photoshop on every computer


Lahore High Court rejects Lakhvi’s plea against indictment over Mumbai

US Military – Chairman explains significance of July 2011 target


Iraq election decision postponed until Sunday


A Shabaab suicide bomber disguised as a woman killed at least 19 people, including three government ministers, in Mogadishu. The attack hit a hotel in the city during a crowded graduation ceremony for medical students from a local university.


A suicide bomber killed the chief of Salahadin’s anti-riot force and seven other Iraqis in an attack in Tikrit. Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers in Ninewa and a civilian in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces detained four wanted men in Kirkuk and four more in Salahadin, and a weapons smuggler in Baghdad.


President Karzai said he is willing to talk with Mullah Omar. Afghan and Coalition forces detained 17 Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Wardak and Khost provinces. Italy plans to send an additional 1,000 troops in late 2010.


Six people, including an Iranian pilgrim, were killed and several others were wounded in a bombing on a bus near a Shia religious shrine in Damascus. No group has taken credit for the bombing.


Analysis: New manifesto reveals a more sophisticated, confident Hizbullah

Al Qaeda

Pakistan Prime Minister at odds with Gordon Brown over Afghanistan

Suicide bomber kills 3 Somali ministers

The ministers of health, education, and higher education, along with two reporters from Shabelle and Al Arabia were among 19 killed in a suicide attack at a graduation ceremony for medical students at a hotel in Mogadishu.


An Iranian man pleaded guilty to US arms trafficking charges. Tehran rejected allegations that it persuaded Hamas to to get involved in the Yemen conflict. President Ahmadinejad threatened to withdraw government subsidies on consumer goods.


Smuggler: Iran preparing for war with US


The martyrdom of Abu Safiyya in Afghanistan (a.k.a. German national Javaid Siddiqi)


Most new US forces for Afghanistan will be sent to Taliban stronghold in South