Yearly Archives: 2009


Three MILF fighters and an Army solider were killed during a battle in Sultan Kudarat province in Mindanao. Thirty-three Filipino seamen were siezed by Pirates off Somalia during two separate hijackings.


Security forces arrested 16 suspects in the murder of a cleric in Jalawlaa, 12 insurgents in Dalouiya, and two al Qaeda operatives southwest of Irbil. An Iraqi bomb squad defused six explosively formed penetrators in Al Kut. International oil companies seek to develop Iraq’s petroleum production as the security situation improves.


Pakistan: Truck terminals directed not to store NATO supplies for night


Iran and NATO have held talks for the first time in more than 30 years. Iran will attend next week’s conference on Afghanistan. President Ahmadinejad told Syrian President Bashar Assad that Israel and the US were “weakening with God’s help” and “Iran and Syria are on their way to victory.”


Militants claim deal struck to free Britons kidnapped in Iraq


A US airstrike killed seven al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. The Taliban took credit for a suicide attack that killed 11 anti-Taliban tribals in Jandola. Three people were wounded in a bombing outside a police station in Charsadda. The government warned the tribes in Bajaur that a military operation may be launched […]


The interior minister was injured in an IED attack in Mogadishu; his secretary was killed. Baidoa residents are protesting Shabaab’s decree banning khat. Hizbul Islam has begun to fracture due to disagreements within the group. Islamist leader Sheik Yusuf Inda™adde said Hizbul Islam leaders are making the mujahedeen fight for the leader’s personal gain.


Unconfirmed reports indicate a convoy transporting weapons to Gaza was hit by either a US or Israeli airstrike. “A major power bombed small trucks carrying arms – burning all of them,” Sudan’s state minister for highways said. The attack supposedly took place in January; the US military denied involvement.

Saudi Arabia

Fahad al Ruwaily, a leader of al Qaeda in Iraq and one of Saudi Arabia’s 85 most wanted, has turned himself in to authorities. Ruwaily operated inside Syria and provided terrorists with weapons and documents needed to enter Iraq.


Pirates who kidnapped three school teachers in January turned over the hostages to Abu Sayyaf in Basilan province. The International Committee of the Red Cross appealed to the government to withdraw troops from Abu Sayyaf positions in order to ensure the safety of three captured Red Cross workers.


Nine policemen were killed and six more were wounded during Taliban attacks in Helmand and Ghazni provinces. Four Taliban fighters were killed near Kabul. Fifty Taliban fighters in Logar province surrendered to the government as part of a reconciliation agreement. A senior Taliban spokesman denied the group opposes polio immunization programs.


IraqSlogger: Botched assassination leads to Qaeda in Iraq arrests


Sixteen Iraqis were killed and 35 more were wounded in a car bomb attack in the Shaab neighborhood in Baghdad. Six civilians were wounded in bombings in Kirkuk and Babil. Iraqi security forces detained ten wanted men in Karbala and four more in Basrah, five members of a counterfeiting gang in Baqubah, and a Saudi […]


‘Mumbai terrorists’ say group will increase attacks on India


Lashkar-e-Taiba took credit for the fighting in Kupwara and warned India of new atacks. “The gun battles should serve as a message to India that the struggle for Kashmir™s freedom is on with full vigour,” a Lashkar spokesman said. India’s Army chief said Lashkar still operates 40 to 50 camps in Kashmir and Pakistan.