Yearly Archives: 2009


US envoy: Don’t expect warmer relations with Iran


Afghanistan’s Supreme Court ruled that President Karzai can stay in office until elections are held this summer. Ten Afghan soldiers and policemen and three Taliban fighters were killed during fighting and in IED attacks in Farah, Paktia, and Herat provinces. Afghan soldiers captured an IED facilitator in Farah.


Pakistan: Gates urges ISI to cut ties with Afghan extremists

Taliban capture 12 policemen in Khyber

The policemen were captured after a large Taliban force surrounded a police outpost near the Afghan border. The incident is the latest in a series of major strikes in the Peshawar region.

Abu Sayyaf continues threats against hostages

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda’s spreading tentacles in West Africa opposed by traditional leaders


How security forces got the message loud and clear from man behind ‘Radio Taliban’


Combined Task Force 151 hunts down pirates in the Gulf of Aden


The Taliban destroyed a vital bridge in Khyber and shut down NATO’s supply route to Afghanistan. Security forces killed 26 Taliban fighters in Mohmand and captured 4 more in Khyber. The government is expressing its displeasure with the new US strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. The military’s chief spokesman said claims of ISI links with […]


President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed denounced al Qaeda’s call for his overthrow. “Al Qaeda has not taught us religion and they have nothing for us,” Ahmed said. Seven Somalis were killed after Hizbul Islam attacked a Mogadishu police station and took it over.


President says AMISOM troops will stay until Somalia gets its own forces


Three Iraqis were killed and 15 more were wounded after Iraqi forces detained an Awakening leader and one of his men on a judicial warrant in Baghdad. Five soldiers are said to have been captured. Security forces detained a Special Groups leader in Wasit province. One soldier and one policeman were wounded in clashes in […]

Yemen’s three terror fronts

With al Qaeda active on three fronts in Yemen, a deadly suicide attack on tourists raises questions about the Yemeni government’s involvement.


Twenty MILF fighters and seven soldiers were killed in fierce fighting near the town of Mamasapan. The fighting broke out after a force of 60 MILF fighters ambushed a military patrol. The battle took place only ten kilometers from the provincial capital where President Gloria Arroyo was visiting.

Al Qaeda

Jihadi dispute points to deeper radicalism among youths


US general: American forces may not leave key Iraqi cities


More than 70 Pakistanis were killed in a Taliban suicide attack in a mosque in Khyber. The Taliban attacked a trucking terminal in Peshawar, murdered two “US spies” in North Waziristan, battled security forces in Swat, and threatened to end the ceasefire in Darra Adam Khel. The US chairman of the joint chiefs of staff […]


Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. The Ahlu Sunna Waljamea based in Bakool has joined government forces. It is estimated that more than 450 foreign fighters are allied with Shabaab. Priates hijacked two chemical tankers.


The US outlined its plan to stabilize Afghanistan and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan. Britain will send an additional 2,000 troops to Afghanistan. US and Afghan forces killed 16 Taliban fighters during raids on IED cells in Helmand and Uruzgan provinces. An Afgnan soldier killed two US troops then committed suicide.


White Paper of the Interagency Policy Group’s Report on US Policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan